Putin visits North Korea

Certainly not an act of desperation, as TIME describes.

Putin’s North Korea Visit Reeks of Desperation, Not Strength | TIME

We still don’t know what they will agree on.

I still think it’s benefitial for Russia to directly engage North Koreans in and arround Ukraine.

For example, let North Korean troops be stationed in Belarus along the northern border of Ukraine.

Should NATO F-16s fly from Poland to attack Russian troops, let North Koreans blow up the F-16 bases in Poland. What will NATO do about North Korea? Article 5?

Russia can have North Korean ships around Crimea to protect it from annoying Ukrainian missile and drone attacks. Russia can build new ships of various sizes or simply gift old ships to North Korea in the Black Sea. North Korea only needs to fly in the crew.

North Korean ground forces will learn a great deal from the Russians regarding today’s warfare in the Donbass, like the use of drones and God knows what else.

This is just a continuation of the economic growth that NK has experienced with the cooperation with Russia in the last few years. The West much like the leftist idiots are having a f*ing cow.

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I don’t like the regimes of North Korea and theocratic Iran. But politics is politics.
South Korea is corrupt and does everything Washington dictates. Recently South Korea shipped X-number of shells to the US which was forwarded to Ukraine. For this, South Korea is paying a very high price: Russia is helping North Korea in rocket and possibly missile technologies.
What will happen next? We will see.

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Mark Sleboda’s take
Putin Visits Pyongyang and Signs Strategic Partnership Between Russia & North Korea, to be Followed by Putin State Visit to Vietnam - Both Drawing Western Ire (substack.com)

Putin visits North Korea for the first time since 2000. Kim Jung Un greets Putin at the airport before they leave together in Kim’s new Aurus Senat limousine - a gift from Putin.

North Korean media reports that relations between North Korea and Russia are “getting stronger day by day.”

People on the streets of Pyongyang greet the motorcade of the President of the Russian Federation

Kim Jong-un greets Putin

Historical perspective on Soviet / Russia relationship with North Korea.
Is China annoyed by this new development?
Will North Korea and Cuba receive new, advanced Russian fighter jets and submarines?

Scott Ritter says in the “Judging Freedom” program this week that this was a total game changer.

Russia and North Korea don’t care about western sanctions anymore. (Au contraire, they strengthened Russia, but it’s besides the point).

Not only North Korea and Russia will benefit from this renewed relationship strategically, but Putin also managed to expand the scope of BRICS by his recent visits to Uzbekistan and Vietnam following this North Korea trip. North Korea is a virtual member of BRICS now, whether we like it or not.

That is what this visit was all about. A multipolar world and independent states being able to participate in an different economic system to experience prosperity. In other words, the US and the West no longer will be able to play the bully on the world stage dictating who gets to be sanctioned and who doesn’t. NK has been isolated for so long that it will now change to being a developing country under this new system.

Nonetheless, I hope this ridiculous Kim dynasty will fall soon.
Without them, North Koreans can follow their “self-reliance” policy with more freedom and abundance.

I don’t think that is going to happen barring a US led war, or a major coup revolt. If the US invaded NK which essentially would be going to war with China due to NK being a proxy state of it, would be suicide for the US. If anything they will become over time long after Kim is gone more like China with a one party rule with a state controlled capitalist social system in place.

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It’s a disaster for US foreign policy.

Russia has now garnered renewed friendship from its old allies: Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea.

No worries. Though America is losing more friends, it has a steady, trustworthy friend / ally Israel which the whole world now hates because of its genocidal, apartheid policy.

North Korea was not a slave state of China.

I still think North Korean troops in Ukraine is a very good idea, especially dealing with western Ukraine.

And also how to NEEDLESSLY waste lives on the battlefield

Joos who rule the US don’t care about Ukrainian lives.

TSAR RASPUTRID 1s trip was a gathering of like minded COMMUNISTS and TWO MURDERING DICTATORS.

スクリーンショット 2024-06-12 100456

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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