Promises Kept! Trump is the Greatest President Ever!

And yet Trump is STILL making it happen. Greatest POTUS EVER

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Yes, you are a liar, a born liar.

First of all, Trump did not cause thousands of Americans. That is just childish stupidity.

Second of all, you are referring to Trump saying he needed to keep a calm cool demeanor as president to prevent a panic. And he was right.
But he still did everything he needed to do. He saved millions of lives. He was cancelling flights from China when you idiots were still wrapped up in your fake lawless impeachment. Trump was saving lives while you were trying to overthrow the government you dickless jackass…

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Law And Justice

President Donald J. Trump and the Department of Justice are working with local law enforcement to protect American communities.

The Department of Justice announced more than $98 million in grant funding through the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services COPS Hiring Program to allow 802 additional full-time law enforcement officers.

President Trump signed Executive Order 13809 to restore state and local law enforcement’s access to surplus equipment from the Defense Department, such as armored vehicles.

The Department of Justice announced the creation of the new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.

The Trump Administration expanded Project Safe Neighborhoods to encourage U.S. Attorney’s to work with communities to develop customized crime reduction strategies.

The Department of Justice returned to their longstanding charging policy for federal prosecutors, trusting them once again to charge the most serious, readily provable offense.

Prosecutors were directed by the Department of Justice to focus on taking illegal guns off our streets.

  • Criminals charged with unlawful possession of a firearm has increased 23 percent.

President Trump’s Administration is protecting the rights of all Americans.

President Trump’s Department of Justice has supported students whose free speech rights have been under attack on university campuses.

The Department of Justice secured a guilty plea for the first case prosecuted under the Hate Crimes Prevention Act involving a victim targeted because of gender identity.

President Trump and the Department of Justice have aggressively confronted organized crime from street gangs to criminal cartels.

President Trump signed three Executive Orders – 13773, 13774, and 13776 – aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations, including drug cartels and gangs, and preventing violence against law enforcement officers.

The Department of Justice designated MS-13 as a priority for the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, to allow federal law enforcement to utilize an expanded toolkit in its efforts to dismantle the organization.

  • The United States, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras have charged more than 4,000 MS-13 and 18th Street gang members in the United States and Central America, including the alleged leader of MS-13’s “East Coast Program.”
  • In August 2018, more than 20 individuals associated with MS-13 were arrested in California on federal and state charges in connection with gang activities.

The Department of Justice convicted eight members of an international criminal organization, known as the Rendon-Reyes Trafficking Organization, on federal charges arising from their scheme to force young women and girls from Mexico and Latin America into prostitution.


  • President Trump appointed conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
  • President Trump has appointed more than 50 circuit or appeals court judges.
  • President Trump has appointed more than 80 district court judges.


  • President Trump signed the STOP School Violence Act and the “Fix NICS Act.”
  • The Trump Administration has allocated $2 billion for school safety.

Trump built a great economy that featured low unemployment and high labor participation rates. Blacks and Hispanic unemployment were at all time lows, and wages were increasing, especially for the workers at the lower end of the ladder.

In addition, he has made great strides in foreign policy with the historic deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel. He is bringing back our troops from the endless, unwinable war in Afghanistan. He has re-negotiated the bad trade deals that hurt American workers. His has done all of this with nothing but hostility from from your Democrat Party, @csbrown28.

These achievements have been sidetracked by the worst pandemic in a century. Now Joe Biden and the Democrats are rewriting history and telling us that they would have been ahead of this calamity and saved more lives. That is a load a crap. Biden called Trump “xenophobic” when he banned travel from China. If Biden had been president, he might have realized the gravity of the situation in April or May, certainly not January as he now claims.

In addition we now have Democrat campaign workers burning and looting our cities. You can’t even have a restaurant meal without a Democrat thug in your face demanding that you raise your fist and mouth their slogans.

So there it is. I have laid out the case for the re-election of Donald Trump. It is certainly a strong case. It is far stronger than it was for Barack Obama in 2012.

The democrat party stands for anarchy and violence. It is is running a senile old man for president who would be lucky if he were hiding in the Senate, like Robert Bird did in his final days. The Dem party is a disgrace.


Trump didn’t build that. The private sector did.

That virus isn’t deadly at all now.
It was artificially created, no doubt, even with AIDS virus and malaria germ sequences inserted, as pointed out by Dr Luc Montagnier.
After repeated mutations, the Covid 19 virus does not pose a danger. Just the common sense approach, avoid it like you would avoid a common cold or flu.

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Okay, I think you know what I mean.

Yes yes yes, the American spirit and American entrepreneur is what makes the economy roar. We all know that.

BUT AT THE SAME TIME presidents can create a nurturing environment for economic growth with low taxes and low regulation like Trump did, or they can create a hell with strangling regulation and business killing taxes, like Democrats do.

So Trump DID create the playing field for business to build a great economy

It has a 0.04% mortality rate. I am more likely to die in car accident.

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Trump benefitted, almost immediately, from the 8 years of work that President Obama put into the economy. Trump couldn’t manage a casino (a place where the house is always supposed to win), let alone something as complex as the US economy.


That is an ignorant stupid lie. You have to be a total imbecile to by that bullshit.

Sorry Obama, But It’s Trump’s Economic Boom, Not Yours



TRUMP - The Great Victory Nov 17, 2016

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It’s interesting how trump became president.

  1. The last candidate standing.
  2. Half the country was disenfranchised by Obama.
  3. The poor choices of the democrat party, reflecting heir desire to continue disenfranchising half the county.
  4. The reality the left refuses to acknowledge the needs of flyover country.
  5. The lefts hate for anyone that disagrees with their agenda.
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I think he gets a little credit too.

Yes he does however the 2016 election was about people voting against a candidate not necessarily for a candidate.

That was certainly a big part of it