Pray For A Miracle

I’m no fan of Trump, and would have voted for any Republican or Democrat that ran against him. Biden wasn’t who I supported in our primary process, but he captured the nomination and will now be inaugurated in a few hours and the majority of Americans are extremely relieved that Trump is at this moment boarding Air Force one for his last trip as president, ending the Trump era…:clap:

America has been invaded by something worse then any political party it’s called Democrats the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and monumental failures.
Pray for us, or hell come help us lol


I hope the guard does what’s right today.

A seriously divided nation is what’s going on. The country is tired of the BS foisted on us by politicians. That’s why Trump was elected 4 years ago. Trump won again… handily, but the cheating was too much to overcome.

Ask yourself this: If the Left could plan and execute the biggest election fraud in history, right in front of your eyes and pull it off, regardless… what do you think they can do to you and this country in another 4 years of scheming to take away your freedom/s??? I guess we are about to find out.

I have to add… The Left had help from the republican party. Trump disrupted their lives also… no favorites… do your job or GTFO! I will be re-registering as an Independent; I’m done with the Republican party.


Just look at the numbers of Trumpers bailing on the Republican Party…:man_shrugging:

Btw, Mike Pence will be at Biden’s inauguration today. That speaks volumes to the rest of the world. What retrumplicans think is now officially moot…

Pence needs a job lol dumb arse


I ditto that part of being done with the GOP. Next time they ask me for money I am going to tell them to fuck off and frame it on a wall.

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In saying this I am in no way saying Trump did not take away liberties: what freedoms did Trump try to take away? I just genuinely don’t know because every time I ask a leftist in my school replies with lies. They pretend to know everything and to be connected to the US Democrats.

The two anti trumpers here are transgendered. They feel like Trump doesn’t accept them.

Wait, actually? I guess it must be tough having a president that doesn’t think what you believe you are should happen.

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I’m not sure how got that I think Trump took away took away liberties or tried to take away freedoms???

It’s the left is going to try that …lol.

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OH. I can’t read, sorry! :laughing:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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'Tis a bit far. We’re trying to keep it respectful.

(Though it is funny and accurate.)


Yea it’s kinda bad for society to have a grown man walking in to a little girls locker room pulling out his shlong
Call me crazy

Naa! You haven’t been here long enough! Its war!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Your rant is simply that so if you would like to talk to me reduce your ramblings to no more that 2 small paragraphs I lose interest in long drawn out bull shit…So do as you wish…

trumputin caused the great loss of jobs because he did not deal with the virus as any president would to keep the population safe that’s his most important job…I will not discuss this any further because you are bent on some idea it wasn’t his responsibility or he did a good job…donnie caused the great loss of life and he caused the great loss in jobs and the USA is doing worse than any other country in the world PERIOD it obvious you don’t listen to facts or ball to gather what you need to make a good decision on what is true…so this is the end of the discussion with you about the virus and who’s responsible…THE END

There is no respect from “him”… or given.

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I do think that is the extreme yet also a very large factor in the debate. I am a Christian and so I believe they should not physically transition and they are what they were at birth, but I will not think of them as less. They are obviously going through tough times with their dysphoria and other mental issues.

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What about violating forum rules is funny and accurate…:thinking: