PLANdemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda

These government wonks and mainstream media talking heads are on all forums so we have to just call them out on the bullshit they write to discredit eminent individuals. They’re the bottom-feeders of the swamp.

We note that you don’t name nor quote any of them?

Artemisia is a fancy name, but actually we know their varieties as mugwort and wormwood.

Anglo-Saxons in Britain used mugwort for incantation, so it must have some magical power. LOL

In China and Japan, mugwort is dried and used as moxa, as in moxibustion.

Wormwood is “Wermut” in German and it became an ingredient in the drink “vermouth.” Wormwood has the property to kill worms and parasites.

Fauci told everyone not to wear masks – What changed, Tony?

A legitimate pandemic does not need the numbers inflated with bribes of $39,000 dollars per ventilator used, $19,000 for each positive COVID diagnosis reported, censorship of COVID 19 discussion on it in social media, directives to hospitals to to credit COVID 19 for deaths with no autopsies required to verify. A REAL PANDEMIC CREATES THOSE NUMBERS WITH NO ASSISTANCE FROM POLITICIANS AND DEEP STATE NEEDED TO PAD ITS DESTRUCTION!!


Here are more bribes apparently!

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That’s yet another mistake our ‘masters’ tell us: ventilators don’t save lives, they simply prolong the end-stage of pneumonia and other pulmonary illnesses, so what the fuck is the point of doing that? We’re being governed by dimwits who’ve been raised from the cradle to believe they were born to rule.

So why did Trump place Fauci in the front row of his coronavirus task force. And why has Trump continually insisted that Fauci is a “good man”???:man_shrugging:

omg she’s pooping is that normal ?

Or heard on FOX or spoken by Trump…don’t forget that…:wink:

No one is the master of put downs more than the Doc. Even when I have been on the receiving end I was still impressed.

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Well I usually don’t respond in kind unless I am provoked. One thing I will say about you TC is I have a healthy dose of respect for you and your posts. You are not only intelligently engaging when discussing your ideas, but you provide thoughtful substance to your discussions. We don’t always agree on things but your responses are measured in a way that suggests you are more grounded and open minded about things that leaves open more possibilities for further dialogue.

I can’t say the same for one of this sites parasites. He not only makes baseless untruthful accusations towards me, but purposely targets the threads I create and tries to derail them with off topic gibberish. It’s his regular MO here where there is plenty of evidence to support that as being true. He also consistently tries to assert that his views are superior to others while trying in earnest to invalidate the perspectives of others on what truth is, not to mention he consistently embellishes his statements without once having corroborating facts to support the outlandish claims that he regularly makes here. The fact he fails to preface any of his statements with “IMO” as “in my opinion” tells you all you need to know that he has no concept of what reality is nor know how to carry on a normal conversation with others here, except of course for the other nutcases he regularly associates with on this site. I despise such people who purposely fail to hold themselves accountable for their actions while trying to lay blame on others for the very same actions they are guilty of! That is the text book definition of a hypocrite and he does it with quite frequency in order to get attention because no one here gives a shit about his opinions. So watch for it, next time he will respond to me with another name calling while leveling groundless accusations again because he has nothing else better to do with his time other than feed his obsession of looking for a conspiracy in everything he reads on the net. Its a tired act by now!

Anyway I made made enough negative causes in my life to be wasting anymore time on this idiot! I am going to radio dark as I am in possession of some very dangerous material and will have to sign off soon! I hope you are well and taking care in these very difficult times. You will be in my meditations!

The only explanation I can find is a childhood issue, be it abuse or neglect, to make an individual behave in such a manner.

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Has Fauci ever revealed how he knew ‘a pandemic is coming in 2 years’, then 2 years on we get this CV?

There you go again by making baseless assumptions! I could also assume that you indulged one too many times with LSD to the point it has melted your brain from making statements based on sound logic, but what is the point right? You already make that evidently clear with your retarded posts on a daily basis here!

I think we’re seeing the first green shoots of a return to sanity after this coronavirus shit, and here’s why . . .

“Locking up the elderly until coronavirus is defeated is a cruel mockery of basic human values: Former Supreme Court judge LORD SUMPTION gives a withering critique of the Government’s lockdown.” Read the link or watch the video and weep for our country?

David Icke’s ‘I am free’ video is still up on Youtube.

The government’s ‘scientific adviser’ Ferguson has been replaced by someone who knows what he’s talking about.

We all know more about the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation, and some associate of it called Fauci.

All steps in the right direction, none of which would have been necessary if the government hadn’t made such a fucking pig’s ear of the whole lockdown - not to mention all those NHS staff we lost because they didn’t have the PPE they needed. All that’s left to do now is for the English taxpayers to pick up the £30b-and-counting tab, then hopefully a general election asap to get rid of these losers.

NB I can’t imagine how the BBC is going to regain credibility for all the negativity and fear it has been churning out day and night for the past 3 months though.

I’m still puzzled by the relatively mild virus that went around Britain late autumn, early winter 2019.

Was it a test run?
Or maybe it was intended to interfere with the Brexit process?

Good investigation starts with good questions.
If you start with a faulty premise (like it was a natural mutation of sorts), then you aren’t going anywhere.

'Flu has been around for ever, and it always will be. The only difference is that as you say, it mutates, and that’s why the annual jab has to be generic, and the hope THERE is that the jab will alleviate the symptoms of whatever the strain is going to be. This CV one is nowhere near as dangerous as other influenzas because hospitals are nowhere near as busy as was predicted. Those I feel sorry for are the ones who have had operations - life-saving or only life-enhancing - cancelled, and chemo- and radio-therapy appointments cancelled. It must be a living nightmare for all of them. It looks like Sweden and Russia are the only countries who’ve got the answer, and they didn’t lock down their business infrastructures.

When doctors go on strike, death rates go down.
It’s been proven time after time.

A lot of people (including children) are staying healthy, thanks to corona, because they are avoiding hospitals like a pest.

Corona a day keeps doctors away?

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