Pizzagate - Is Hillary involved?


Pretty freaky and tweaky. and most of the merchandise comes from China…and maybe other places…

Here we are again.


Someone wrote, in the movie, Soylent Greren, “Prostitutes were called Furniture”

This is really absurd…

waif fare


Isn’t Maxwell Jooish? or is that another cohencidence?

Who owns Hollywood?



Just like Charles Manson wasn’t Christian
or Devadatta wasn’t Buddhist

Satanists know of no religion or nationality.
They are just satanists regardless of their background.
Karl Marx was one.

ru sure?
Early in his life, Maxwell, an Orthodox ■■■,Joo ( from wiki)

What I typed to you, should not be a hard concept to understand. But since the ignore feature must have reset and I again saw your one track mind, I tried again to get that concept across to you out of courtesy—no luck.

You don’t need an ignore button to ignore someone.
If you don’t like my posts don’t read or reply to them - simples.

I don’t care to see a constant, one track mind, that is unable to reply congruently.

Jesus being tempted in the wilderness by Satan and winning


Sakyamuni Buddha being tempted and defeating Mara

Satan Worshippers today

satan worshipper

Hillary queen

At the risk of being accused of myopism again…

I refer you to my previous posts

Even ■■■■ Ask: Is Judaism a Satanic Cult?

Dr Henry Makow

Why doesn’t it sink in?

As expected your quote attribution is wrong.

Ben Hecht was a famous screenwriter. Known for sarcastic humor. The great screenwriter. was not a Rabbi.

Neo Nazi sites have it all screwed up as they always do but no proof Ben Hecht wrote that quote although it sounds like his type of sarcasm then doctored by neo nazis,

“Rabbi” Ben Hecht pictured is unrelated. and not the one spoken of in the neo-nazi quotes mixing up two Ben Hechts

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Now you guys are derailing a perfectly fine pizza thread as if you haven’t posted these same things over and over, ad-nauseum

Obviously the new word filtering was added for a reason.