Personality Quiz

This was kind of fun. I don’t think just because of the name of the website it is limited to women taking the test.

I pretty much agree with everything except the trivia partner :grin:

My results:

You have a vast knowledge about many topics.

You are the person people go to when they are confused about complex issues, if they don’t understand something, and the best bar trivia partner.

You can pull up facts and figures at the drop of that and you are more than capable to turn your intellect into something amazing – a job, a relationship, or a hobby you have always wanted to try.

However, you are also a perfectionist. You have a strong need to make sure that everything you do is perfect, otherwise you consider it a failure (even if it was successful). This need for perfection holds you back.

You are so afraid of not achieving perfection that you find it hard to even start at all. You need to actually try things, and accept that you won’t always be the best, because that is the only way you will become better, smarter, and stronger.

Well, 2 for 2… think it’s skewed or think we are just too much alike? :smiley:

You have a vast knowledge about many topics.

You are the person people go to when they are confused about complex issues, if they don’t understand something, and the best bar trivia partner.

You can pull up facts and figures at the drop of that and you are more than capable to turn your intellect into something amazing – a job, a relationship, or a hobby you have always wanted to try.

However, you are also a perfectionist. You have a strong need to make sure that everything you do is perfect, otherwise you consider it a failure (even if it was successful). This need for perfection holds you back.

You are so afraid of not achieving perfection that you find it hard to even start at all. You need to actually try things, and accept that you won’t always be the best, because that is the only way you will become better, smarter, and stronger.

Perhaps those of us taking the test are simply like minded. Or, it is clickbait.

Still, it was fun :wink:

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Yes, it is…which doesn’t mean you’re simply like-minded…just that you’re likely simple-minded. :rofl: :innocent: :rofl:


exactly the same. It’s just an excuse for advertising.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yer a turd, Asaratis :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Might as well get a reading from an astrologer or a gypsy palm-reader


In today’s world, you can call a California psychic for a few dollars per minute. They will know all about your life and your future.

…and a young, beautiful girl on the TV screen will testify in their behalf. You too can be young and beautiful if you call the psychics.


This is why I don’t start threads.

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