Pentagon orders military bases to be renamed

I was sent to Fort Benning in 1969 for bail-out training. I was aghast when I saw a portrait of General Benning, a confederate (as well as Fort Rucker).I am happy for the name change.

Last I checked, Confederates are considered US war veterans. Having the names of Confederate general officers tied to US military installations is a connection to our history and culture.


I agree. For too long, we’ve been honoring those who sought to destroy our country. No military installation should bear the name of a confederate. It’s a disgrace. As a country, we can’t keep honoring those who betrayed our country. It’s an insult to those who fought and died for the Union. It’s an insult to their memory. The confederates didn’t fight for America, they fought against it. They were traitors and rebels, and they should be treated as such.

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These Democrats are always going on about how we need to be more inclusive and diverse. Well, maybe they should put their money where their mouth is and start naming our military bases after gay activists. It would really show how committed they are to their principles. And it would send a strong message to the men and women who serve in our armed forces that they only exist to further a massive global homosexual agenda designed to destroy Western civilization. So what are these Democrats waiting for? Let’s see them put their words into action and start renaming our military bases!

The Biden government has named a naval ship (USS Harvey Milk) a well known homosexual.

What a disgrace to those having to serve there . :poop: :clown_face:

It was your party the fucking demoRATS founders of the KKK and slave masters that started all that bullshit !! They were unwilling to free their slaves remember ? :clown_face:

Do you have a legal citation of a statue?

The South Will Rise Again!

We must celebrate the accomplishments of our forefathers who fought and died for the Confederate States of America. They were brave men who were willing to fight and die for their beliefs, no matter the odds. Many in this country still honor their memory by flying the Confederate Flag and celebrating Confederate Heroes Day. We must never forget the valiant efforts of these men, or the cause for which they fought. The Confederate Flag is a symbol of our heritage and should be flown with pride. Removing the names of Confederate heroes from our military installations is a disgrace and something that I hope to see reversed in my lifetime.

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“(e) For the purpose of this section, and section 433, the term ‘veteran’ includes a person who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War , and the term ‘active, military or naval service’ includes active service in such forces.”

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Won’t happen. We are past the point of no return in the collapse of our civilization.

Yea… that’s a bit upsetting, to say the least.

I think you’re right… but I hope you’re wrong.

It’s a good thing that we are erasing our history from these military bases.

Its also a good thing that we aren’t speaking German. Just imagine what life would be like if Americans back then weren’t dreaming of…and fighting for…the future we now have.


The wrong side won the war.