Yang bringing up Thorium and actually answering the question
Nuclear power is literally the best possible thing to do if these cunts were actually serious about climate change. Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors are impossible to meltdown (literally, no meme, look it up)… but why aren’t we building them? They’re just the best source of clean energy in existence currently but nooooo… the word nuclear is just too scary… holy fuck, these people are beyond ridiculous aside from Yang who is probably the only person who even knows what Thorium is.
Biden is saying Republicans attacked him and his son over Ukraine lol
They are trying to get Yang to place the race card, which he is.
Vote for me cause I’m not a certain skin tone, white.
Do they even fucking hear themselves?
At least they just admitted that whites are being demographically replaced.
How will you encourage whites to become a minority, even if they don’t like it?
I wish nothing but pain and suffering on all these empty suit politician parasites.
Buttplug is a total joke! Glad he doesn’t have a chance because each time he speaks I puke inside my mouth!
Biden is up there telling lies again.
Oh damn - they are still talking?
Must they have a fat black sow who can’t speak as a moderator?
I’ve only been able to watch 15 mins of these geriatric boomers screaming at each other. The Dems have to realize by now that they are going to lose badly in 2020, right?
This is the best that the Democrats have. Trump is going to destroy them in 2020. It’s already over.
Realistically the only person who can give Trump an actual run for his money during a debate is Bernie. They are both New Yorkers and could just shit talk one another into oblivion.
I think Trump would actually have a hard time at a debate with Yang because Yang would just want to talk about the issues and it’s hard to personally attack him. If he wasn’t such a cuck on guns and minorities he would be so bad.
I guess it doesn’t matter though because neither Bernie or Yang are getting the nomination.
Women have always controlled the world with their vaginas.
This guy also believes you can make people richer by giving everyone free money.
Yang does not speak for real men, just effeminate Asian males.