Painting NM Red!

I think it has been pointed out by multiple posters that isn’t possible. :wink:

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She’s not a person of color. She’s an AMERICAN. Stop dividing.

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Of course she’s an American! She’s more American than any white person since her ancestors ACTUALLY built this country.

No. She’s not more of an American. We’re all the same, we were all born here. As to the “built this country” nonsense, no, slaves didn’t build this nation. >98% of the nations wealth has been accumulated SINCE 1865, more proof that slavery holds a nation back. To be honest, what makes up our wealth? Inventions is the primary driver. New products. Manufacturing. Slaves didn’t build a hell of a lot, they were mainly agriculture. When we ended slavery, our prosperity increased and former slaves saw a dramatic improvement in quality of life over the next 50 years until FDR convinced them they were victims and people like Margret Sanger started putting “American Birth Control League” into action, which changed into Planned Parenthood and is responsible for black people being 13% of our population instead of 17%. She would be SO proud since she was an ACTUAL racist. Of course, none of that matters to Democrats. People like Byrd that were ACTUAL KKK MEMBERS were given a pass because they were Democrats and people like Reagan that didn’t have a racist bone in his body were denounced as racists because they dared go against Democrats.


So you DO know history?

The USSR (Socialist) starved millions to further Socialism.
China (Socialist) starved millions in the “great leap forward” to further Socialism.
North Korea.

All of those nations embraced socialism and millions died because of it. Now, we have Democrats preaching the same thing. Demonizing one group and painting another as the victim. They’re pushing gun control. They want government ownership of health care. They want to shut down business and take control so we can pursue Socialism, government control of the means of production.

You’ll excuse me if I laugh at Democrats when they start trying to paint us with the Nazi label. Actually, I’ll keep a close eye on those talking like that because it may come to pass that one day, the final demand will be made and we’ll have to take up arms in self defense. I certainly hope we have enough reasonable people to not vote those power hungry idiots into power but if they do, we’ll be prepared to fight a civil war. You can vote Socialism in but you have to shoot it out.

I hope a big ferocious animal takes a bite out of your fat ass and your life depends on a white person saving you! That would be perfect irony that is fitting for a poetic justice story on this site!

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You are being far too nice.

Well, I probably disagree with all your views, but you have my respect for fighting your corner and staying civil; what I have seen anyway. :+1:

Albuquerque is where the meth-heads seem to gravitate to! Then you have the hard lefties transplants from states like New York and California who bring their politics with them that have turned the politics of the state upside down since the early eighties by taking over the state capital in Santa Fe. New Mexico was once a red state turned purple now Blue. I believe George Bush in his first election in 2000 nearly missed out on carrying the state’s electoral votes by the slimmest of margins like something like 0.06%. Also its the rural areas of the state particularly the southern parts like Carlsbad, Las Cruces, Clovis, Cloud Croft and the eastern parts of the state that tend to be the most conservative, that also includes the north parts that at North of Taos.

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The left is fighting back with free college tuition.

New Mexico’s free-college plan could be a game-changer for student debt in America