77% of those surveyed said there should be “maximum age limits for elected officials,” meaning “after they reach a certain age, they are not permitted to hold office any longer.”
The concern proved to be bipartisan, with 76% of Democrats and 79% of Republicans calling for maximum age limits for elected officials.
45% of respondents said the maximum age limit for elected officials should be 70.
A combined 30% of respondents said either 50 or 60 should be the maximum age.
Only 18% said 80 should be the maximum age limit for elected officials.
Between the lines: Over half think the job of the president is “too demanding for someone over the age of 75,” though 38% said “it depends.”
78% “mostly agree” with the statement that most legislators and elected officials over the age of 75 “[r]aise concerns about [an elected official’s] ability to perform their job,” compared to 22% who “mostly disagree.”
80% said they “mostly agree” that a legislator or an elected official over 75 would “[r]isk being out of touch with the times,” but 20% said they “mostly disagree.”
Worth noting: The median age of the Senate is 65, according to Pew Research. The House of Representatives’ median age is 57.
Sixteen senators are 75 or older, and 18 are between 74 and 70.
That’s a good question. I will be 64 in a couple of weeks. I have all my faculties (subjective…lol) and I’m physically in very good shape. People decline at different rates depending on life style, activity… mental and physical, etc… I don’ want old geezers running my country any more than you younger people do, but I just don’t know if there can be a definite cut off age to run for office. I will say that I think maybe 70 should be the limit… but I know a lot of 70+ people that are still sharp and physically active/healthy. It’s a conundrum, to be sure.
People in their 80’s shouldn’t be running nations as we are witnessing such decline before our very eyes. I am in my early 40’s so I don’t consider myself so young. Lol!
So 60 is the cutoff for public office? Wouldn’t be best served as everyone else? 65 or 70 as the official retirement age? Such as what government workers are forced to do?
They must have a willingness to ensure a brighter future , I feel once they hit 60 its more about them and not about the common working stiff . Remember this turds never put in a hard days work and sat in an office collect a GOVERNMENT CHECK . How many raises have they GAVE THEMSEVLES ? ??
What was their record are we better off now than a few years ago ? Will we need a wheelbarrow to buy groceries soon ? How many more illegals will these monkeys allowinto our Country . How many of these old fucks took an oathe to obey the laws of the land ?? How many have challenged these "SANCTUARY CITIES " ???
It’s a clear indication these old fucks do NOT care about the next 40 years because they will NOT be around !!!
Today’s US Dem Party consists of the Khazarian mafia which guarantees their loyal members a lifetime employment, a lucrative one.
The Khazarian mafia founded the Federal Reserve early in the 20th century, which prints whatever money the Khazarian mafia needs to start any war, including WWI, WWII, the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and of course Ukraine.
The Khazarian mafia is also behind all liberal movements, including BLM and global warming hoax but most importantly the mainstream media worldwide.
Of course age has nothing to do with all this, which is just smokescreen, and we shouldn’t even be discussing it.