Our Current Civil War

You may not find any verifiable videos of voter busing…but here’s a prick admitting it happens.

Anything by Project Veritas, and that criminal James O’Keefe, is nothing but poorly edited and spliced video that portrays conversations taken out of context. Do you guys really fall for this stuff?

Like I said, when someone shows me a video of all of these buses with all of these illegal voters then I’ll believe it. Until then, there is no evidence to support your claim.

That was the New York Election Commissioner talking, big boy. There’s nothing taken out of context.

You dismiss the information because of the source because you can’t refute it. How sad and weak your argument is.

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You really are a full-blooded communist. When you don’t like the information you discredit the source. James O’Keefe got proof on video.


Complaining about bussing people to the polls is astounding. Republicans are providing bussing all across the state of Virginia to get the numbers up at their second amendment rally next month…:rofl:

There is truly a war raging in America right now. Democrats don’t care about the people they sure as hell don’t care about America or the Constitution. Each move they make is about increasing their power in government. All they do is pick and choose from the constitution, to benefit them and advance their cause. They exploit all these different minorities to gain more votes. Once they trample and do away with all of the rights of the people and have their control. Do Democrats seriously think they still are going to be so inclined to give back to the people who promoted their cause. Lol, I would totally beg to differ. I find it really funny when they are in charge of the country these minorities become easily forgotten. That is until the next election!

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Political deterrence was shattered under Obama. This is what is largely driving the revolutionary spirit that has taken hold in this country. Democrats feel entitled to complete power and violently act out when that power is checked. At the same time, conservatives are furious when they see an America that has two sets of rules and norms, in which the best way to never be held accountable for anything is to declare yourself a Democrat.

When unelected liberal bureaucrats believe they have the right to remove an elected president, anger continues to boil. Add in a side of removing borders and favoring non-citizens over citizens, and you have the perfect recipe for this very dangerous place America is at right now.

The revolutionary divide will continue to build and will result in some form of civil war if deterrence is not restored.


@David is essentially correct.

America is on course, due to demographic (both ethnic and generational) changes, for a permanent Progressive-Left majority. This majority will eventually prevail in both House and Senate, the judiciary (including the Supreme Court), and the Presidency. And of course in the apparatus of the state. “Eventually” may be ten or twenty years, but it is inevitable.

The new political direction of America will NOT be “liberal” in the traditional sense: It won’t be made up of people who are modern-day FDR’s or JFK’s or even Obamas. It will be qualitatively different from them. It will almost certainly NOT be “socialist” in the traditional sense of the term, i.e. nationalizing the means of production and distribution. Modern socialists have learned that a top-down planned economy is extremely inefficient. Google and Microsoft and other major corporations will continue to exist, so long as they embody the values of the Progressive-Left rulers … as they already do.

But the deep ethical foundation of socialism will be enforced: equality of results at the lower levels of society, and a fundamental transformation of our understanding of our own pasts. The fact that the US was founded by slave-owners, the land stolen from Native Americans and from Mexico, all by white male sexist homophobic/transphobic meat-eaters and coal-burners, will be the dominant theme of the educational system. The racist nature of dead-white-male subjects like mathematics and science, with its emphasis on “correct” answers – who gets to decide what’s correct? – will be transformed. (And don’t think you can escape through educating your children outside of government schools, or even by homeschooling. The latter will be outlawed, as it is already in Germany.) People who commit hatecrimes, including thoughtcrime, will be punished appropriately. (See the fellow in Iowa who got fifteen years for stealing and burning an LBGT flag – don’t say ALL flag-burning is protected by the Constitution.)

This will occur step-by-step, not overnight. The shrinking band of genuine liberals will be uneasy at this, will protest a bit, but will not stop the Progressive advance.

There will be complications: the major one is America’s role in the world, especially as she is pushed into Number Two place by a rising China. It’s hard to predict what could result from these tensions, but it’s important to note that both the base of the American Right, and the base of the American Left – but not their respective leaders – are now basically tired of playing world policeman. A Red-Blue alliance on this subject is objectively possible. Keep your eye on Major Tulsi Gabbard.

Anyone who doesn’t fancy living in such an America, needs to begin serious consideration of what to do about it. In particular, they need to consider a democratic right which modern nation-states, either Left or Right, don’t like to acknowledge: the right of peoples to self-determination.

There is general but vague and tepid agreement on the Left – and sullen acknowledgement on the Right – that if a group of people whose ethnicity differs from the majority, and who are the dominant group in a particular geographic region, no longer wish to be part of a nation-state … then they can separate.

And we see this happening everywhere: what would Canada have done had the Qubecois won their independence referendum? The Spanish Left is being put on the spot by the Catalans. Scotland will soon cut loose from the UK, as will Northern Ireland (after some old-fashioned Yugoslavian-style killing). China will continue to have trouble with the non-Han peoples, the Tamils will rise again, India will experience continual unrest and not only in Kashmir. Yugoslavia of course has already come apart. The Russians will have more Chechnyas in the Caucasus. Crimea has rejoined Russia, to the satisfaction of most of its inhabitants.

In all of these cases, much bloodshed could be or could have been avoided by a universal recognition of the right of peoples to self-determination, even if it means geographic separation from an existing unitary state. This was traditionally a demand of the Left, by the way, and it’s right in principle, although not always easy to carry out in practice, due to the fact that most of the areas in question have mixed populations.

Progressives should give some thought to this fact: Even as America moves towards being a Politically-Correct Progressive Left country, it will retain, for many decades, a large ‘conservative’ minority. (Culturally conservative, probably containing many people who have little objection to the Left’s economic program.) These people will do everything they can to obstruct the Left’s progress,
diverting a lot of Progressive energy. They won’t give up their guns easily, they will resist Transgender Awareness Sessions for kindergartners, they will put up a hell of a fight when statues of the racist slaveowners Washington and Jefferson are torn down.

How much easier for everyone, if we could all agree on the terms of an amicable divorce. The Left could move forward with its social experiment, the Right could settle back into the customs and political practices of traditional America. The two parts could continue to co operate in areas of mutual advantage, like genuine defense (not foreign police operations) and trade.

I think everyone, Left and Right, should think about this.

Anyone interested in what will probably be a thoughtful analysis of this situation should Google on the name “FH Buckley”, and look out for his book on the subject which will be out in a few weeks.

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Oh, and by the way. Dr Minsey didn’t write that speech. Daniel Greenfield did. Full details at the very useful Snopes website: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-jack-minzey-modern-civil-war/

Snopes doesn’t seem to mention when Dr. Minsey wrote the speech. Just because he died after Greenfield’s speech doesn’t mean Greenfield didn’t plagiarize Minsey’s words.

Snopes is run by humans. Humans are subject both to bias and mistakes. Don’t believe everything you read at Snopes.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the economy and quality of life in the country as leftists take control. Everywhere they operate, quality of life goes down for both rich and poor, innovation slows or dies as the profit motive goes away, and crime soars.

The primary feature of the left is its cruelty to those who are not subservient. The first order of business once in power is punishing those they don’t like. Look at Vietnam after Saigon fell- “re-education camps” , how about China’s ‘cultural revolution’ or Pol Pot’s ‘agrarian paradise’. The left uses the injustices of the past to excuse the injustices they will impose in the future.

Interestingly- ‘communist’ China is now more capitalistic than David could imagine, so is Vietnam. After seeing socialism fail, and the populace (pardon me, Will) 'move only in fear, and nothing in love"- they finally realized socialism/communism fails. Venezuela and Zimbabwe (and soon S. Africa) are simply dictatorships - the natural end product of socialism.

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Yes, for sure. We shouldn’t place absolute trust in anyone.

But …what evidence is there that Greenfield plagiarized Minsey’s words? Where did he plagiarize them from? Where did Minsey publish his original speech?

What I find odd is that there doesn’t seem to be any point to attributing this speech to an obscure professor. I wondered briefly if it wasn’t a Lefty false-flag operation, but that doesn’t seem to have an explanatory power either.

From time to time I see spurious quotes attributed to people … usually done by right-wingers, but maybe I see these more often because I’m a right-winger myself and read mainly right-wing sources. But these spurious quotes have a point: Hillary Clinton and Obama supposedly talking about how they will destroy the Constitution, Lenin saying we will undermine America by introducting Transgenders into Kindergartens, etc.

You don’t have to go to Snopes to know that these are idiotic falsifications. It’s what some people evidently believe that their Leftist enemies think, and would say, if they were open. But falsifying quotes is not defensible in political struggle. These sorts of falsification reveal an ignorance about how the Left actually think, and also an extreme naivite … even if they DID privately think this way, they wouldn’t broadcast it to the world.

But this falsification doesn’t seem to have a point.

However, its subject – one of the possible future paths of America – is extremely relevant, and something that we – at least people on the Right – should be taking very seriously and thinking about.

^^^ Well said and spot on. :+1:

Detroit is the perfect example followed by Flint, Saginaw and other cities the left have destroyed.

To be fair, I think we should distinguish among several different tendencies that could be called “Left”.

The examples from Indochina and China (and North Korea could be added to the list) are examples of explicitly Communist parties taking power. They were committed, in theory, before they took power, to the establishment of a one-party state (with some front-group window-dressing co operating parties). Then the Vietnamese and Chinese Communists, strongly nationalist, perceived that socialism doesn’t actually work – and pulled off the trick of keeping themselves in power, while getting capitalism going to build up their countries.

They were a different kettle of fish from the various other examples mentioned. Venezuela, South Africa and Zimbabwe are all unpleasant places, and all have had, especially at the beginnings of the rule of their leaders, strong enthusiastic support from the Left. They had socialist rhetoric, but little genuine ‘socialism’. I nsome ways they are/were similar to the ‘military-nationalists’ in the Arab world and Afghanistan, who were ashamed of their backward countries, and saw in the Soviet Union a rapid method of advancement that was also anti-imperialist. They were pro-Soviet but not Soviet. These regimes still have some strong admirers in the Left, but not a majority.

As for cruelty … the really cruel regimes have been those of the Right, such as the death-squad regimes of Latin America.

The current American Left actually has little in common with previous examples of Leftist movements, not even those of the USA over the last century and a half. It’s made up largely of privileged white college graduates, who have contempt for their own working class. They are highly individualist ‘post-Americans’, politically-correct snobs, who are destroying American patriotism and pride.

A country can recover from too much socialism. Not only China and Vietnam, but Sweden and UK, which had softer versions of socialism in the 1960s and 1970s, backed out of it. But notice that the Communist regimes always – and still do – strongly emphasize national patriotism – they want to hold their countries together, not tear them apart via Balkanization.

The American Left is unique, for many reasons. But the bottom line is that it has pragmatically discovered that the real fracture lines in the US are not class lines but ethnic lines, and they’re pushing hard to open these up. It will be a tragedy of historic proportions if they succeed.

Defenders of civilization (and civility) have to look reality in the eye, and start thinking about what can be saved of the wonderful ongoing democratic experiment that was America, and how to achieve this. We shouldn’t waste much time arguing with the Left, but rather should be discussing among ourselves how to save what can be saved.

Trump is a passing phenomenon … a temporary form of chemotherapy. Dishonest, impulsive, egoistic, and ignorant … he is what history has chosen to get in the way of the Left. How wonderful it would have been had we had a Lincoln or a Churchill. But you go to war with the army you have.

In any case, the real fight will come after this man has left office.

That would be an apt description of the left and their tactics.

Yep, a true anomaly he is.

I don’t recall seeing that Dr. Minsey ever made a speech. He was a professor and a writer. I also don’t know when the Civil War treatise was published, if it was. It could have been prior to Greenfield’s speech.

Either way, I don’t really care.

The Democrats have lost their minds.
The spew out the most insane things, things that years ago would never say, just so they can keep a stranglehold on the country. It’s as if they’ve become a cult. An evil insane cult.



Well, it no doubt is for many of them. But as for the “impulsive” bit … I wish they were far more impulsive than they are. Impulsive people usually end up meeting bad ends. The current Hard Left feels that it is on to a winner … just keep waiting, and sooner or later they will capture the government.

Why do a “Weatherman” and start putting bombs all over the place, when you can take over the state from the inside? (Especially since most of these people don’t know the negative pole from the positive, or the significance thereof … read about the Townhouse explosion, where they blew themselves up instead of killing dozens of GIs and their dates at a dance at Fort Dix, where they were planning to put the bomb. Sadly, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, the Weatherman leaders, were elsewhere, and lived to … well, not FIGHT another day, but to be lionized by the liberal establishment and made into Distinguished Professors of Education, where they have done a hundred thousand times as much damage as their incompetent bombs did.)

And they’re right. We must not kid ourselves about this. They just have to wait. The America we have known is in terminal decline. We have to think about what to do about it.