Countries have always regressed in the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great courage
From great courage to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to selfishness
From selfishness to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependence
From dependence back to bondage
People have a lack of interest or concern about the inflation we have, the illegal wave of people crossing the border, the lack f concern of government over reach the DOJ, FBI etc. indifference and apathy. Dependence is there with everyone with their hand out demanding more. The pandemic was a perfect example of dependence.
I’m not sure a lack of concern is true. I think it’s more a realization that there is nothing we (common citizens) can do about it. We can’t even vote the ‘problems’ away because the vote doesn’t mean anything anymore.
They have us where they want us… concerned about surviving day to day, and not concentrating our thoughts on ‘them’ and the BS they foist on us. It’s just a matter of time before the cycle starts over.
The only thing that will stop ‘them’ is a civil war… maybe. But, that is not likely, as no one can stop thinking about the day to day…lol.
A civil war IMO is inevitable, but it won’t be to the likes of which an organized force will challenged the Federal Government like the Confederates did but one that will be very fragmented across the country, with various pockets being upset for different reasons. When the dust settles lines will be defined by way of commerce and traveling across the country or to relocate to another state will be a hostile act and a thing of the past.
We have that hostility today when people from liberal states relocate here running from their home states problems. Yet they bring their politics with them seeking to duplicate HOME,
So focused on survival demanding more freebies to exist. Dependence
That is the apathy we see today on issues forcing people to ignore root causes. The apathy.
No, although that is part of the evolution for the breaking apart of the union, but I am actually saying a shooting war and no go zones while others will protect their turf. Look at what just happened in New York City? A lot of this is already happening in European countries (No Go Zones)
Can you name 5 cities in America that you will never travel to?
Maybe Charleston, Juneau, Orlando, Or any other city where Open and Carry is law.
I know I will not be going to New York City, Detroit, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Jersey City New Jersey, Philadelphia, Oakland, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, (I am sure I am leaving some out)
Los Angeles, St. Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, Cleveland, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Nashville, New Orleans, just a few more cesspools.
The entire state of Wyoming, open carry no permits required for purchase of any gun. Don’t really have a city. Recently we had 2 bus loads of illegals arrive in Cheyenne and wanted to know where the homeless shelter was. Answer, don’t have one. They reboarded the busses and went south back to Colorado.