Only in America: Florida woman bites testicles of camel to escape its enclosure at Louisiana truck stop

Quick rundown:

  • Truck stop has camel behind fence (for some reason)
  • Florida couple throws dog treats under fence (for some reason)
  • Their dog, hard of hearing, goes under the fence for the treats
  • Woman crawls in after dog
  • Camel sits on woman
  • Woman bites camel’s balls to escape

What is wrong with people from Florida? It’s always “Florida man” or “Florida woman”

Because outside of the retirement population, Florida is filled with nothing but white trash, blacks, hispanics, and all sorts of human garbage…the majority of whom have multiple substance dependencies. Florida is trash.

Thank God it’s at sea level. Just a matter of time.

Why didn’t she say how they tasted!!!

That’s hilarious! And now could you please pass the mind bleach? Thanks so much.

Where is the DYKE to comment on this???