OMG what a repudiation of Trump

First of all it’s a moot point as Obama served two terms as POTUS 42.


And you don’t care about the forensically proved faked birth certificate.

Obama got some splainin to do.

And you will swallow whatever he says but LOVE it that he hides behind a wall of fake inscrutability.

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But that was before the election was held.
The forensic examiners of the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff 's Dept. examined the document for twoyears and went to experts around the world to figure out how it was produced.

And it was determined it could not have been produced with the technology of 1961.

Maricopa Co. Sheriff’s Office: ‘9 points of forgery’ in Obama’s birth certificate

By FOX 10 Web Staff

Published December 16, 2016

FOX 10 Phoenix

PHOENIX (KSAZ) - Officials with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office have released new findings in their investigation into President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

For years, Obama has been dogged by allegations that he is not qualified to take office, due to a provision in the United States Constitution that only allows “natural born citizens” to be eligible for election as President of the United States.

In 2011, President Obama released his birth documents, in response to the lingering allegations. On Thursday, officials with the Sheriff’s Office said, in a statement, that “the overwhelming forensic evidence shows the posted document is nothing more than a “created” document - pieced together using another source document.”

According to officials, the forensic evidence was verified by two different digital document experts who live on two different continents, and neither of the two knew each other.

According to officials, there are allegedly nine “points of forgery” on Obama’s birth certificate, and words letters and dates, according to officials, were digitally copied and pasted.

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TRUMP acknowledged that Obama was born in the US. Apparently he doesn’t care or no longer believes the conspiracy…:man_shrugging:

That will be on the list of charges.

The politician Trump has much more important things to occupy himself with. The birth certificate was faked, no doubt about it, but gay Obama played President for eight years and that’s a (sad) fact. You can’t do anything about it now, short of a time machine to change the past.

TRUMP acknowledged that Obama was born in the United States.

I always thought he was a Soros implant aka Manchurian candidate. Then there was the slip of admittance that he was Muslim even though he claimed to be Christian, but his days growing up in Indonesia suggests that this is really hard to believe seeing that Indonesia is the worlds most concentrated place of Muslim believers. Let’s not mention the concerted effort he went through to keep his college transcripts concealed to this day! Hmm the last part I have the hardest time with especially considering the double standard of the left complaining about Trump’s Tax returns!

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President Barack Hussein Obama was and remains to be the most egregious hoax ever to be perpetrated on the American people. He was unfit and unqualified to serve in any capacity of our federal government. He misrepresented himself from the very first day that he claimed to have been born in Hawaii.

There were numerous previous claims of being a foreign born student in the USA, having been born in Kenya. His grandmother has testified that she was present at his birth…in Kenya.

The worthless, lying bastard should be stripped of any and all consequences of his serving as our President…including retirement benefits, a Presidential Library, Secret Service protection for him and his family, his name on any federal properties, … just to list a few.

This lying piece of shit deserves NOTHING from the American people!

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His name “Barack Hussein Obama” translated means “Crooked Lightening.” Interesting to ponder in hindsight!

BTW I do concur 100% on everything you just articulated! If we actually had an honest media that vetted him properly, its quite possible he never would have become president to begin with.

Trying to see the connection between that and the op???

That’s the way it ought to be.
The US has no business meddling in other parts of the world (except some want the US to be the policeman for the world, which is not in the interest of the American people).

I just don’t understand the invocation of the Monroe Doctrine. Otherwise, no one on this forum is as outspoken against US interfering foreign policy than I, so yeah I agree.


Some claim America is “Babylon the Great” in the Revelation.
You be the judge.

Yes, I’m aware of that, heard it all my life, was raised in a church that had a focus on it.

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