This is retarded. The deaths are a result of people using black market THC vape. It has nothing to do with nicotine-based e-cigarettes. The only people who have died from that are the people who make their own vape juice and who don’t use the product correctly.
I think this is all because big tobacco is afraid of the competition and is cutting it down the only way they know how…through lobbying, laws, regulations, and media fearmongering instead of by offering a better product and outcompeting in the market.
I’m with you. There’s only been 6 deaths in the US. Of those 6 it looks like all of them were related to vaping THC oil. This is banning regular vape for no reason. The amount of people who vape, even recreationally, is super high. This is a stupid move.
This looks like a move by big tobacco because the only flavor that won’t be banned is the regular shit tobacco flavor.
America is such a shithole. Your food is toxic garbage and your fatass retard of a president just banned a much safer and healthier alternative to cigarettes…meanwhile Amerifats stuff their faces with toxic fast food. I’m really enjoying watching your slow and pitiful collapse.
6 people die from vaping and Trump is doing something about it, but hundreds die from gun violence and “it’s not the guns” this Russian orange man-child is a fucking joke