I did note the large turnout for Biden in Northern Virginia. Seems the deep state is very concerned where they live.
Elizabeth Warren just dropped out of the race.
She is now busy making deals with the devil!
She’s going to give up all of her delegates to Biden because Sanders said earlier today that if Biden has the most delegates then he will drop out of the race.
She had zero chance ! Too much baggage .
She surely could not make up her mind what she was.What a flake!
Biden is on camera creeping on children and this is already well-circulated online yet the democrat voting public will ignore this because they don’t like Trump.
This while they call you a racist for wanting a nation and a border. They support a pedophile while condescending to you as if they were morally superior. They are not good people. They just like to believe they are.
Or maybe Berniites will flock to this guy when all else fails! Lol!