🇺🇸 OFFICIAL State of the Union thread 🇺🇸

Hello and welcome to the Official thread of the state of the union. Get all reactions and breaking news of this upcoming disaster.

Everyone get your favorite liquor, and every time Biden says MAGA take a shot. It will make it more bearable

If take a shot every time, I’ll pass out in my recliner…lol.

This might be the most divisive speech in American history

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Hope we don’t here from this perv

You aren’t really going to go down that road are you? You sound like a sniveling Liberal… aka… Kavanaugh whiners/decriers. You need to give that shit a rest!

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He’s grooming kids… what a freakin perv

LOL… you calling everyone a RINO and then going down this road. :rofl:

You are a Libby in right wing clothing. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Dude I’m ULTRA MAGA​:raised_hands:t2::clap:

100 bucks joe falls on his face walking to to alter

He behaves like a liberal: makes nonsensical circular arguments, limited vocabulary, preceded by limited education and intellect, mentally challenged, sociopath tendencies, highly insecure, pathological liar, always projecting his emotional diarrhea and is from Massachusetts! What other proof do you need?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Joe’s on page 11/20 right now


Here comes
The race riot he wants

BREAKING: Biden is planning to call for a permanent nationwide ‘assault weapons’ ban

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Biden says he wants to stop fentanyl but has opened our borders wide to the Mexican cartels

We are still here for you brother!

Biden just said America doesn’t have geography