Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣


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Seriously, how dumb can you get?


Stay calm.

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New England Journal of Medicine says virus may be less dangerous than the other ones like SARS but more easily spread. That fits the Harvard doc’s view. It is mainly deadly to people who are older and have another illness.

“We found a lower case fatality rate (1.4%) than the rate that was recently reportedly,1,12 probably because of the difference in sample sizes and case inclusion criteria. Our findings were more similar to the national official statistics, which showed a rate of death of 3.2% among 51,857 cases of Covid-19 as of February 16, 2020.11,24 Since patients who were mildly ill and who did not seek medical attention were not included in our study, the case fatality rate in a real-world scenario might be even lower. Early isolation, early diagnosis, and early management might have collectively contributed to the reduction in mortality in Guangdong.”

Anyone that has studied epidemiology will tell you that we are beyond the point where coronavirus is containable. Since no one here seems to be able to do math and just likes to joke about how it is “just like the common cold,” let me drop some numbers.

The r0 for coronavirus is higher than the flue (2.5 vs 1.5) meaning it infects more people. Combine that wth no vaccine availible, that means there is a good chance 60% of the population will get it.

It has a 2% mortality rate (which is a low estimate btw.)

7.7 billion people*.60= 4.62 billion people catch it in a worst-case cenario (some claim up to 80% will catch it).

2% of that 4.6 billion would die, totalling 92.4 million deaths.

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There is an upside to Covid19. Hopefully it runs rampant through their aging leadership.


Unless you are over sixty and in poor health you have almost nothing to worry about from this virus.

Only about 10% of those infected get seriously ill period.

Quarantine works, it’s already slowing the spread dramatically.

Corona Virus will mostly kill boomers. Anyone under 40 years old who dies likely had a preexisting condition diabetes, cancer, heart problems ect. This is just going to remove the old and the weak. Nothing to fear if you’re relatively healthy.

The damn virus cannot be contained anymore.
It appeared in Mexico too, home of corona.
Your immune is the last line of defense.

Here in Japan, toilet paper products disappeared from supermarkets. A sign that the Japanese are bracing for something bad by hoarding and you see many empty shelves, just like in socialist countries.

No masks, no alcohol, no paper towel either.

Kerry Cassidy on coronavirus.
She says there are actually two viruses, and corona is only a cover.
5G doesn’t cause the infection but weakens the immune tremendously.
China is complicit in this and not a “victim” per se and has an agenda to reduce its population.

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So … maybe it is a bio-weapon designed to reduce the social security budget!

Not sure I believe this but …

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Japan has invented the self cleaning toilets that washes you and dries you. Why worry about toilet paper :roll_of_toilet_paper:… ever?


The only place I didn’t see them was Okinawa. I guess it’s “falling behind” when it comes to progress.

The Jurassic period was warm and animals and plants flourished on land and sea.
I suppose extinctions of animals happen when it gets cold.