Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

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Why won’t the media name the lockdowns as the culprit? It’s not just denialism. The implication is that we had no choice but to shatter life as we know it. Lockdown is just what one does in a pandemic. It’s utterly not. Nothing like this has ever taken place, never in history. This remains an egregious attack on fundamental rights, liberties, and the rule of law.



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Mask Nazis suck!

The person should have stayed on the seat.
No reason to give in to unreasonable demand.

Or at least to be forced out by the air Marshall. I know I wouldn’t have done it!

Do air marshals have that kind of authority?

I remember a Vietnamese-born doctor was punched ad dragged out of a US carrier (I forgot which one).
I bet he made a lot of money after getting a lot of attention because the incident was recorded by a number of passengers

Yes they do. If they are still parked at the gate passengers can be escorted off the plane. In this case however that would be one hell of a threshold to cross for just making a stupid comment.

which could lead to infertility in women of an unspecified duration.

After a little research it turns out that Syncytin-1 is also present in sperm, so it’s not only Women that will be steralised but Men as well.

CALL FOR HELP: Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon ask as many EU citizens as possible to co-sign their petition by sending the e-mail prepared here to the EMA.

You know what the problem with this is don’t you ? It’s far too sensible and will be seen and digested by a fraction of the population.

Only way the suppression of information stops is by burning down the media centres, their transmitters, their infrastructure.

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I like to think the internet is more powerful than any of the alternatives - you only need to look at the surveys showing that a majority of ppl worldwide will refuse the vaccine and that can only grow imo.
When even phoney Tony is pushing it on morning tv you know they are getting desperate.

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I think that is dependant on age groups and the viewing habits of people who use it.
I think largely the most vulnerable group, the elderly, consume mainstream LIES (news to them), internet I can’t argue is very powerful but it does it’s best to not give you what you want. To circumvent that we have what we do and direct share but by the very nature of what we think, I think large swathes of the enlightened don’t mix with people that these messages need to reach so the message doesn’t get beyond immediate circles or if it does a much slower rate.

Only the determined get beyond what google churns out and if your position is already, “Google said so” you still drown in the same mainstream drivel. BBC & Google don’t push “Health Workers Refusing Vaccines” headlines.
Google search term example “facts about covid 19”

Google, Fbook, Twit, need to be burnt to the ground…


The airlines has a right, yes an obligation to the safety of their passengers. Wear the mask or stay your asssss at home…

The pandemic, so-called, is a hoax.

The artificial virus (or more accurately viruses) exists, but its effect on humans isn’t what the mainstream media claims.

And of course masks don’t protect you.

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You have to understand that most humans are rational and don’t share that marginal viewpoint…

That’s the problem. Most people think they are rational.

Thousands of years of recorded history proves otherwise.
There are signs of genocide in prehistory as well.

The bubonic plague in Europe was made worse by the ignorance of the masses. There are signs of this plague having been spread on purpose.

Fast forward to 20th and 21st centuries.
Blind belief in mass media (which rhymes with mass hysteria) always makes the situations a lot worse.