Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

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Governors of: Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Oregon, California and “Doctor” Fauci the snake oil peddler for Bill Gates. All have blood on their hands.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I was saying.
Bacteria and viruses were discovered fairly recently.

Doctors of old couldn’t figure out what was wrong with their patients when it came to infectious diseases.

The existence of fungus was known for a long time, otherwise there wouldn’t be bread or beer or sake.

The immune system of modern humans is so weakened due to chemical pollution, including pharmaceutical drugs, that what was benign in the past, like simple yeast, can do a lot of damage.

Line these traitors up and aim!

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Just “Candida” alone when not treated with a simple diet alteration can have detrimental effects on the immune system.

So the lady that walked around filming the empty hospital in Gloucester that was in danger of being overrun with covid has been arrested !!

I heard a good analogy for the benefit of the brain dead fucks that insist on wearing these stupid masks.

“When you understand the size of virus particles you will realise it is like erecting a chain link fence to keep out/in mosquitos”. May be even that is over complicated for them !! :crazy_face:

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Marco Rubio, you may have noticed, took the vaccine…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And while he was criticizing “the elite”, he didn’t mention Pence taking the vaccine in a staged, very public setting to ensure Americans that it’s safe and effective, and encourage Americans to take the vaccine themselves…:roll_eyes:


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This video has been blocked world wide

this guy had to record it off someone else’s phone just to post it…

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Aluminum has existed only in compounds but never as its pure form “Al”.
The body therefore doesn’t know whether it’s a nutrient or a harmful substance, and often confuses it as a different mineral and deposits it in wrong places.

Nano aluminum sounds ominous enough.
Humanity must be committing a mass suicide.


So again, why is the Trump administration spending so much time and money promoting their OWS vaccine…:man_shrugging:

I thought Trump was America first…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Contaminated blankets. That was the problem, just like contaminated nose wipe swabs.