Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

The medical establishment is practicing eugenics.
(Weed out the stupid from the population)

If you want his vaccine, it’s your choice.

The vaccines are a product of Trump’s OWS…

Elites don’t need the vaccine! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This interview goes horribly wrong! Ya think?

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Bill Gates is losing his mind!

He didn’t answer the fucking question

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And its working - Monstercrusty has taken it so there will be no more monstercrusties LOL

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… and today I read that Australia has reported its first case of the new strain which reportedly emerged in Seth Efrika.

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I feel that you missed something whilst at school.

Weird and dangerous viruses appeared and wreaked havoc long before mankind had any means of manufacturing them.

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Actually it is a mutation, as was the second wave the originated in Europe. Most of the infections since march are the D614G nutation. The differences are subtle, up to the D614G there were 98 mutations resulting in 14 strains of the virus. The changes to the virus are caused by interaction with people.
The questions toast, will having had the virus protect you from the new strain? That question goes unanswered. As vaccines target specific spikes of the virus, will the vaccines be less effective? Another unanswered question. With the vaccines the less mutations the more effective the vaccine.

We could ask our governments but they would lie.


Good answer. However my posit was intended to be more general.

There have been some real stinkers around; ebola for instance, ‘Spanish’ flu another. These predate mankind’s ability to tweak or manufacture germs for any specific purpose. Also, although ‘we’ have the ability to clone and modify, I am not convinced that we yet have the ability to ‘create’.

The Corona virus may have been a product of a lab modification and either intentionally or unintentionally released however nature must now run its course of infection mutation.

We cannot create DNA/RNA but we can take pieces and modify them. From small pox labs have created horse pox and mouse pox. The problem is that once created and if released they will run their course of mutation.

Ebola is a stable virus and mutual is slow. Today it isn’t an airborne virus but the possibility exists that in the future it may mutate into an airborne virus.

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So if the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission why the fuck do we need to take it before we fly???

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Which one?
Adenovirus, for example, did not “appear” out of nowhere.
It’s been with us for God knows how long, causing the common cold.
HIV, on the other hand, was prepared at Fort Detrick (according to Bill Cooper).

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: