Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Trump is playing 5D chess Part of his game plan is to give out mixed and confusing messages to put his opponents off guard - Thats how he won the ME peace deal and the wall - you demoprats don’t have a fucking clue.

Yeah, those mixed messages are what got him defeated in a super landslide election.

Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th president of the United States :us: :us::us::us:


The media is not creating the numbers…

John’s Hopkins, CDC, HHS, NIH, none of these sources have accused the media of mis-reporting their numbers. If you don’t like the numbers, if you think they’re fake, at least accuse the ones supplying the numbers, not the people reporting them…:roll_eyes:


BTW I don’t bother reading your posts, I skip over them because I don’t watch CNN.


These vids have been banned - I wonder why

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Johns Hopkins, CDC…
They are the least credible organizations.

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Why did the CDC apply for a secret ‘illegal’ Coronavirus patent in 2003? — Fauci Is Involved

Share this video before its taken down.

Today there is swine flu. Perhaps tomorrow there will be fish flu, because sometimes we produce viruses by controlling them. It is a commercial business. Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations. That is very shameful and poor ethics. Vaccinations and medicine should not be sold.

Muammar Gaddafi
2009 at the UN


Aint Karma sweet

Does he really think any will survive a 6mth lockdown?

He says that as 3,000 Americans are dying every day now…

Have people forgotten how to prepare a meal or a cocktail at home…:thinking:

It’s not about forgetting how to prepare meals you moron, they are the businesses of real people that will go down the pan and for what ?
A so called pandemic ? All other deaths have disappeared and only covid deaths now ?
Wake up man !!

Are any of you guys capable of discussing anything without name calling and personal insults.

Why has the Trump administration been managing a “so called pandemic”? Why did Trump appoint a White House coronavirus task force. Why has Trump said that wearing a mask is “the patriotic thing to do”

Why did Trump hold daily coronavirus press conferences this spring?

Why did Trump form operation warp speed to produce vaccines in record time?

Why did Trump declare that we are in a war and that he’s a war time president…

In fact, it’s just easier to post the White House’s own website bragging about all the things that Trump has done to protect Americans from a fake pandemic…

Because IMO he still has swamp monsters advising, the guy can’t be good at everything. I have to admit I think he is making a huge mistake being gung ho over vaccines, I can only assume that when/if it comes out in the wash, it can be be shown that he has acted on advice and ultimately it will be Fauci’s neck in the noose.

Oh ok…
Well that explains why he and his administration is promoting a hoax…:wink:

It’s all I have. I did hope he would call time on it and maybe he will, as I think his own personal opinion differs from the scientific advice he is receiving. Perhaps he wants it (vaccine) out there quick because he thinks the demographic who are hungry for it mostly lean in a different direction politically? I think the important thing regardless is if it will become mandatory or not or passport schemes for travel, work etc.

Oh the drama, variant of covid 19… a virus doing what is does naturally

Porton Down…yes yes mention that, it will scare the shit out of everyone !!

Alas the good news is "The Vaccine " will have it covered !!