Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

No, that is Mayo Clinic, people much more knowledgeable on health and medicine than you or I. What’s wrong with you people constantly confusing those who report the news, with the sources thereof…

Actually I don’t give a fuck if you get Covid and suffer long term organ damage due to your cavalier attitude towards the virus… you’re a free individual…

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I won’t, but if I do I will recover after a couple of days same as I did the last time I got it.

Who actually said it/wrote it/signed it - the receptionist or cleaner at the clinic or an actual doctor

You don’t know what damage was done to your organs the first time around…:wink:


Considering how long we have been discussing this topic, and ignoring everybody’s video clips and articles, It surprises me that this level of ignorance still prevails in you two …

The virus is real, it is dangerous for some people.

The danger aspect comes from those unfortunate people who have been gifted (genetically) the wrong type of ACE receptor. I have also heard this receptor referred to as ACE-2, but who knows.

The ACE receptors are found in many parts of the human body including the lungs and the heart. Apparently they also appear in fatty tissues which is why obese people are more affected. The receptors are also found in other organs and I cannot remember the full list.

Destruction of the receptors by Coronahoax unleashes a Cytokine (?) storm in the body which does a number of things. Particularly it thins the barriers in certain parts of the blood vessels thus exposing matter on the previously isolated part to come into contact with new things, and this happens in the brain amongst other places.

In the lungs the result of attack on the ACE receptors is a release of Hyaluronic Acid which has an interesting property, it absorbs water. However this pathway leads to the lungs filling with gooey fluid which is difficult to remove from the lungs because it is created down in the alveoli. Hence the condition being referred to as “pneumonia” which exhibits similar symptoms.

As we have realised, the number of people with the wrong genetic make-up appears to be around 3% of population, and of those less than 10% are badly affected, and of those around 10% die.

Covid-19 vaccinations commence in the UK

So far two people have had an allergic reaction to the vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) which has been less severe than a full-blown anaphylactic event.

The result is guidance being issued that people with allergies should consider whether having a vaccine is appropriate.

Monte never even reads his own posts he just cut and pastes shit( so it’s not surprising he ignores what others post) - I just wanted to prove it


Covid-19 vaccine causes paralysis … in a few … maybe

The official line is that the four people who developed Bells Palsy after receiving the ‘jab’ were going to get the Palsy regardless. How would they know that I wonder?

In any case the drug companies are immune from blame, but it is another one of those wait-and-see situations.

I haven’t watched the whole thing yet, but there was a scientific study on vaccinated people as being contagious asymptomatic carriers.

Sometimes they are not even “asymptomatic”; they show blatant symptoms.

The Netherlands is traditionally run by the banksters. Many Dutchmen are disappointed by their media, especially when it comes to this fake coronavirus scare. When do people realize the media around the globe is run by the banksters?

My disappointment came when the Malaysian MH17 en route from Amsterdam was shot down (by a Ukrainian Sukhoi, not MiG); after the black box was recovered, the Malaysians gave it to the Dutch (which was dumb) who gave it to the British and we’ll never know the contents of the conversation in the cockpit.

Good thing Putin reacted in such a matter to prevent a new nuke war.

(Killery Clinton said Russian weapons were used to shoot down the plane. Yeah sure, all Ukrainian weaponry was made in Russia, including Sukhois and MiGs)

The armed approach to subjugate the world failed.
A new virus is their new wrinkle.

I think if it starts getting awkward here they will roll out Queenie & old Phil The Greek to flatten the panic curve. I mean they are in the at risk group aren’t they.



Sorry but millions of people have had this virus, and the science is still out on the nature of the long term damage to the organs being done by it. But I’m satisfied we’ll know in time…

We are dealing with scientists. The Trump administration has assembled task forces and committees of them to address the pandemic. His administration has worked with the pharmaceutical scientists to develop vaccines in record speed, and Trump has been sure to point out that he’s the one deserving of the credit for this…

So proportionately more ppl have already died from the vaccine than have died from the virus and its only week 1.ROFLMFAO



I am now 100% certain that covid-19 vaccines contain genetically-engineered PRIONS with long incubation periods designed to cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathy