Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

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Who hasn’t? I use it most of the time. It transmits emf signals through the surroundings. The emf signals must be received by an ANTENNA.

Any signal picked up by an RFID chip must be delivered to it BY ITS CONNECTED ANTENNA. That is true regardless of the source of the signal. The chip MUST BE CONNECTED TO ITS OWN SEPARATE ANTENNA.

What is so hard for you to understand about this?


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If it’s an Australian government document, how come the English is faulty?

Livestock and pet vaccines do no harm to them.

But human sheep?

Back in the 90’s when I got my first computer I had a cable to connect to the power grid and another cable to connect to the internet modem and another cable to connect to the printer.- Now all gone - Ain’t tech wonderful?
Like you, I don’t know what future technology will deliver.
You really need to escape from that box you are in.

I don’t think TPTB fully realise what they have unleashed ( or maybe they do).
Another law of unintended consequences - ppl don’t actually want to go back to how it was and a lot of them have no intention of doing so.

You have no idea what technology I use. You also must not realize what level of understanding of such technology comes with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.

There’s a major difference between you and me. We both use electronic technology. I understand how it works; you don’t.

True, but unlike you I never ‘‘pretended’’ that I did
So not only are you an electrical ‘‘expert’’ you also know what will be discovered/invented in the future. Wow, wish I was as clever as you Brian!.
Our poxy government has also recently taken a lot of advice from lots of ‘‘experts’’ - And we will be paying the price for decades.


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ONLY 9,210 from covid19. NOT 153,504 from covid19. Big difference!

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Silly argument. I don’t pretend to know things. I either know them or I don’t. And I have no idea what will be discovered in the future. If I did, I’d be rich.

In other areas, you are likely more knowledgeable than I. That does not make me a fool, just as your not knowing that it requires an external antenna to make an RFID chip useful does not make you a fool. Neither if us is a fool. We are simply uninformed.

My name is not Brian.

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I know - its a very old Brit joke from the 80’s


You see? There’s something you know and I don’t. :nerd_face:

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COVID 19 has been exploited in order to replace our inalienable human rights with an enforced obligation to obey public health orders. Public health has become biosecurity and there is no longer any such thing as a healthy human being. All humans are now biohazards and biohazards must be controlled or removed from society for the common good .

With the British people living in unwarranted fear, the UK State has been able to introduce draconian anti-democratic (quite literally) legislation.

Carney’s successor Andrew Bailey has already stated that it would be important not to keep people in “unproductive jobs” and that job losses, as a result of the COVID 19 crisis, were inevitable.

Many have long been warning, that the toll taken by the Lockdown response to the supposed COVID 19 pandemic will be far worse than the disease itself. This awful prospect is becoming increasingly apparent.

There is no reason to believe official UK COVID 19 statistics, something we’ll discuss in Part 2. However, even if we accept that more than 41,000 people have died as a direct result of COVID 19, this sad loss is likely to be relatively inconsequential compared to the loss of life as a direct result of the UK State’s Lockdown policy.

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It’s more like:
COVID 19 has been invented in order to (usher in the New World Order).
