Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Blah blah - anecdotal at best, but fake news anyway! I believe what comes out of China as much as what comes out of the US MSM and the UK MSM, in other words, nothing! Not my fault - if I catch someone lying to me once, I simply assume everything else they say to me is a lie too. QED.

Post #3289

And the deaths in Peking and Shanghai - a mere 7 and 4 respectively - were probably unrelated to CV.

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Death by coronavirus in China


There are thousands of carona viruses affecting both man and the animal world.

They do not all cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes.

Most of the Human CV’s have very low mortality rates compared to the CCPV.

Your supposed reference there doesn’t address any of those facts nor did you even provide a link to the “source” which combine to make it worthless.

Of course you do just as you literally reject all facts in favor of your stupid, completely unsupportable conspiracy theories.

There are very serious issues with China controlling the 5g market.

None of them relate to that idiotic theory which is completely unsupportable by any known fact.

I don’t reject facts, I just make sure they are facts - unlike you??

Well not only is the rest of that pure garbage small businesses have been given huge bailouts to save their businesses and protect their employees.

You wouldn’t recognize a fact if it bit you in the ass and drug you down the alley like a pack of feral dogs.

You live in a paranoid delusion of conspiracies.

How long before you promise to not respond to my posts for the thousandth time and prove what an attention seeking liar by replying to the next one?

Of course you do even though only one of those sets of numbers is remotely verifiable.

I don’t think anyone is saying 5G spreads it - only that 5G compromises your immune system and makes you more susceptible.

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And there is zero evidence to support either claim.

Quoting my membership number, and mentioning that I had it in February, I have just asked BUPA, the biggest private health outfit in the world, how long I’ll be immune for: a simple question for BUPA one would think - a month, 6 months, for life? The operative said she isn’t medically qualified and I should ask my GP. :roll_eyes:

The disease hasn’t been known long enough to determine for sure if you will be immune or for how long or what titers would even produce significant active immunity.

Mike Adams: How 5G Alters Blood Cell Permeability, Amplifying Coronavirus Fatalities

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Trust the UK numbers. The daily death figure is those who died yesterday because they were in hospital due to needing treatment because of COVID-19.

The figure is updated after the fact when autopsy information is available on those who died at home or in some other non-hospital establishment.

Yesterday a graph was produced showing deaths in care homes vs the average number of deaths from past years in the same period. The care-home deaths have almost doubled over the past week.

Yep, the cure is worse than the disease

Richard Sullivan, a professor of cancer and global health at King’s College London, says: “The number of deaths due to the disruption of cancer services is likely to outweigh the number of deaths from the coronavirus itself over the next five years.

Yeah that proves lockdowns work.
