Official Coronavirus Non-Political Thread: Facts and Updates ⛑

May I ask what does it mean? Excuse my ignorance in advance. :joy:

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Soul Patrol mentioned the Led Zeppelin song and I pulled out a meme I had created. In the lyrics it says “Mean old Levee” When the levee breaks…The digital painting is one I created a year or two ago


Does that infer the truth being exposed on all the Vaccine stuff?

In this thread context, yes, using abstract thought and associations

Thanks for explaining that, I never would have guessed it.:joy:

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Led Zeppelin made the song famous, but it was originally written by Memphis Minnie and Joe McCoy in 1929. It’s about the great Mississippi flood of 1927.

Very illuminating interview filled with shocking info and facts.

Very interesting timing of this release

The truth is slowly emerging and its pretty damning!

Holy Crap! A massive piece by Dr Malone

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On a more serious note!

Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon accused his former colleagues saying they are responsible for #CrimesAgainstHumanity. He said this “jab” has been injected in probably Billions of people, killing 1 out of 1000 & injuring 1 in 100.

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I am not sure if this is the right place but wanted to share this video.

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This should tell all of us in the est of the world that COVID was the biggest scandal in world history.

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Now the FTX has far reaching consequences when it manipulated fake reports to suppress and discredit the treatment of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Unbelievable!

Society of actuary numbers show a 36% increase in death amongst millennials in August 2022.


Movie that everyone is now talking about.

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