Official Coronavirus Non-Political Thread: Facts and Updates ⛑

This is an established pattern here by you. You are such a hyocrite! You post a comment here criticizing someones grammar mistakes yet you are making comments in threads that is not related to the topics that are being discussed.

Oh for fuck sake, @TWR’s replying now. Fuck off you pair of cunts.

“Sunshine is the best disinfectant:” and it’s “Food For The Soul”.

Cold/Flu seasons come to an end when people start moving outside more and more as temp’s warm up.

At this point the stay at home orders are arguably doing far more harm than good.

The more time people spend locked up the more problems we’re going to have with depression, suicide, family violence, and drug/alcohol OD’s and rising violent crime overall.

Stop derailing the thread here! You have something to contribute to this thread topic then do so, but stop with your childish imbecilic behaviors!

In HK here, people are free to move about, businesses are open, and they seem to have this virus under control! So the question really for me is why can’t America adopt similar measures?

“Imbecilic” I think is the word you’e looking for Doc.


Ah! I will correct that!

It was a typo…

I was trying to say, “It’s not only is it facist”. I was at work earlier when I made the comment, so I quickly typed it out without proofreading. My bad.

Well hell, you just proved you’re human!

Shame on you!!!

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Sorry mate, but Manhattan and his sock puppet put me in a bad mood. Pax buddy.

No, everyone knows what you do here, its not bad moods, its about calling out your bad dishonest ignorant behavior!

How about we let the moderators be the judges of that. If it’s decided I’m the pain in the arse you make me out to be, I’ll resign straight away. Until then don’t do their job for them.

You said that before and here you are acting like the asshole we know you to be! This is the fourth thread you participated in today that your posts have nothing to do with the thread topic. This is a self policing thread, its my job to call out your bad behavior. Now kindly stop this childish nonsense. If you want to discuss this further then you can simply PM me, but stop trying to derail this thread with more of your moronic comments being posted here!

I wonder how this will affect Russia-China relations?

Not sure how accurate the report is. It could be a propaganda ploy.

I don’t think there’s any good solutions here.

I think things will get worse if we reopen the country
and I think things will get worse if we keep it locked down.

I think things are gonna get worse regardless at this stage they’re just gonna get worse in somewhat different ways.

Therefore, reopen the country in an attempt to restore it to as close to normalcy as possible. In doing that, the market comes back, sort of. With the market sort of back, throw market forces at solving the coronavirus problem. Market forces eventually will solve the coronavirus problem, and then you’ve kept the country going, the people employed and the social system online, in so doing maintaining modern civilization, which is what we want.


Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.


Surprise surprise surprise… looks like staying home is actually spreading this faster than going outside!