Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

LOL Idiot- you should have put a PA before that SCOTUS then it would have been accurate. It’s at the FEDERAL SCOTUS NOW bucko

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An Overarching truth has revealed itself and everyone should take note. The Liberals ‘en mass’ and the MSM have spent 4 years exacerbating division by disinformation (every Russian Collusion failed lie) and have allowed vitriol and hatred for a duly elected president to reach unprecedented heights.

You sat back and applauded every attack on a president AND his supporters and encouraged more of it. Is it any wonder that entire groups of people and Infinitum individuals believed there were doing the right thing to CHEAT in Biden’s name. YOU ALL (MSM and every Liberal) encouraged this behavior and now its coming back to bite you on the nutsack. You ONLY have yourselves to blame.

You better hope there is a new election. The way I see it is we have only two choices:

A new FAIR election or WAR


Aw don’t be bitter when your butt starts hurting okay?

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Under military supervision.
Gitmo for any fakery.

(Governors of CA, NY, MI, GA, etc. as well as many mayors are imposters courtesy of fake voting in 2018.)

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Yeah, I know that. Little wonder that another Trumper cannot have a discussion without name calling and personal insult…:roll_eyes:

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It’s now up to 17 states joining the lawsuits!

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Well that didn’t last long…

Speaking of do nothing, see nothing and hear nothing MSM, now there is this!

Google, YouTube, Announce They Will Block Content That Challenges 2020 Election Result

After the Marxist-left spent four years challenging the result of the 2016 election, forming the “resistance” and calling Donald Trump an illegitimate president; and after Big Tech supported, allowed and amplified that message on all media platforms; Big Tech’s largest control agent, Google (via YouTube), now steps-in to say they will not permit content that challenges the outcome of a demonstrably fraudulent 2020 election.

…”we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.”…

To use a familiar movie metaphor, what we are witnessing is BIG TECH activating their Death Star to destroy opposition and advance their ideological agenda on behalf of their EMPIRE. Google Inc will target and shut-down any voice that challenges them.

While alarming and disconcerting in the extreme. This is not necessarily a bad outcome, because now the true rebellion will begin. Now the Rebel Alliance will grow as ordinary people start to take matters much more seriously.

Keep in mind, the hypocrisy is only a small aspect, they don’t care about your opinion on this issue. This is the advancement of a totalitarian regime goal by ‘any means necessary’. CTH readers are smart, we saw this coming… we know how to lead a rebellion with the tools of an insurgency.

Big Tech is going to cleave the entire network of communication along ideological lines. Totalitarian leftists -vs- Freedom patriots. Big assembled tech -vs- the Rebel Alliance.

Immediately after the Google/YouTube announcement, our friends at Right Side Broadcasting (RSBN) were notified their content would be removed.

I guess when corporations such as Google and Facebook align their interests with a communist regime like China over their own country, such treasonous behaviours should be the rope that they hang themselves with!

I thought she wasn’t his attorney…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


17 states have chosen to embarrass themselves joining Texas in their lawsuit that they will never win…

In fact, this is nothing more than Paxton’s attempt to curry favor with the president so that he can get a pardon for his corruption in Texas that he has been indicted for as well as his more recent bribery charges/allegations…

You mean the house and senate???
Senate is still undecided…

Yeah, the military doesn’t take to kindly to trumps attacks on their generals and hero’s…:wink:

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Trump wants “Lying Ted” to argue his case before the Supreme Court…bwahahahaha​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Texas AG suit is going NOWHERE
Nobody cares about Hunter Biden
Cops get put on administrative leave when theres an investigation…:man_shrugging:
Seth Rich is in the news again…:roll_eyes: So is Trump and Covid :rofl:
We don’t like Cynthia Johnson

And yes you did miss something, Donald Trump is leaving Washington in 5 weeks…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You must be amused at how the truth brings out the explody heads here to post weak limped wristed rebuttals to pacify their butthurt feelings! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

See I told ya! The circus is in town! :rofl:

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