Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

I don’t believe the DOJ will go after Obama, Biden or Clinton. That would create too much backlash. They may go after some of the people that worked for them…and Hunter Biden.

The one’s I really want to see put in federal prison are Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger. These two clowns have done great harm to the state of Georgia.

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What you and Tucker Carlson do not fathom is that legal teams preparing landmark lawsuits are not obligated to reveal their evidence to anyone, especially the news media before it comes out in court filings and proceedings.

Doing so has at least three possibly harmful results.

  • It creates a media circus and a “trial in the court of public opinion”. <<always useless and divisive.
  • It gives the defendants more time to prepare.
  • It may taint the jury pool.

Even the police often withhold certain information they already have in a case until they get the defendant under oath in a court room.

The CHARGES in a lawsuit are made prior to the trial. The EVIDENCE is presented during the trial. There is no obligation on the part of the plaintiff’s legal team to reveal evidence prior to the trial…even to a demanding little snit like TC.

Tucker Carlson had no call to criticize Sidney Powell for not revealing her entire case to him. Screw Tucker! Screw Fox News.





Good bye Tucker pucker!

Trump lost. Losers.


A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election

From ejected ballot observers to fraudulently backdated mail-in votes, the evidence of irregularities is growing nationwide.

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Ginsburg was a student of the Talmud which she read ardently every day.
Was she a satanist?
Was any woman involved in the writing and compilation of these disgusting tomes?
Is Roberts reliable?
Is Roberts part of the Deep State?
Is throwing out the Nov 3 election in entirety a good idea?
I think so.


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Many are beaten when they BELIEVE their last hope has gone.
It’s a horrible thought but it’s not beyond the realms of possibilities that Trump wasn’t signed up for this part. Hear me out. So they bring a guy on board with charisma and really says all the right things and does all the right things for 4 years, they know they can undo most of what he does in the short term for their long term gain as after this next election it really is game over.
So this guy is built into a hero who despite being under constant attack does some great things for the country and as obvious as it looked with voter fraud etc he just couldn’t manage to defeat the big bad wolf and get the second term over the line. That is a very powerful message for the country, especially if he is used post election to also keep the Republican Rottweilers on a leash. So here we have a Billionaire larger than life character with balls who you managed to get to POTUS and even he couldn’t beat us so what chance do the rest of you have. Don’t forget this isn’t just about the USA, this would be the Globalist message to the world. This scenario works if Trump is a willing participant or not. If he’s onboard it just means going through the motions of battle, if he is genuine then he has just done 4 years on the Truman Show.
I sincerely hope that every word of it is nonsense on my part but I don’t think it hurts to explore the possibilities and lengths these sick bastards are prepared to go to for this global reset one world bollox.

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If you wanna know who will win, watch the markets. Especially energy. The markets always know first

Unless President Trump concedes, Joe Biden has NOT won anything.

Ultimately, President Trump can take his case to the Supreme Court.
All of this FAVORS Trump.
And with the SCOTUS now stacked 6-3, or at least 5-4 conservatives to liberals, the likelihood of President Trump winning this election are MUCH HIGHER than most people realize.

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Here is the data on Pennsylvania Democrats we’re trying to suppress!


You are the worst troll to ever have attempted trolling. No soup for you.

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