Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

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Yep. No surprise there.
War is on.

Where did you source that J???

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I wonder what that list of arrests are going to be? If Soros, Kemp, Whitmer are not on it then big Yawn!


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Did you think that maybe Pence was waiting for an assassination so that he could step-in?

BS - if it was you wouldn’t/couldn’t post it

At least Biden will be able to legitimately claim that he has no knowledge of any subterfuge.

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Bollox - u r full o shit






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Dya think she knows that is probably exactly what will happen LOL

No, I absolutely do not, and am glad that wasn’t the case, and would hope we pass the 20th without any further violence.

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D’ya think this might come back and bite him in the arse
Justice doesn’t protect the powerful(or corrupt)

Calling the kettle black. The hubris and the hypocrisy from the left is amazing! I wonder how they are going to sell that unity thing because that shit didn’t age well, they are just encouraging the other side to dig in deeper!

As Hunter shouts " Dad are you Insane My Laptop Is In The Menders" !


Every time Trump does something wrong and or stupid, his believers always say he was forced or had no choice… I love how his believers actually understand what a stooge he is…:rofl: