🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

This is truly despicable on so many levels, that my blood is boiling!

The FBI spied on the inner circle of candidate Donald Trump’s campaign staff in 2016 and during the first 8 months of his administration. Even though Carter Page was the named target of the search warrant, 2-hop spying allowed the FBI to spy on all the people he contacted. John Spiropoulos explains how:

Andrew Wiessmann Needs to be charged at minimum for obstruction of justice and lying and destroying evidence.

(1) We know to a demonstrable certainty the special counsel took apart the FBI investigative file of Washington Field Office Supervisory Special Agent Brian Dugan in order to protect their corrupt investigation and the collaborative effort of the Senate Intelligence Committee. And Durham/Aldenberg knows that we know.

(2) We also know with a high degree of certainty the special counsel created a missing Woods File for the Carter Page application when the IG started sniffing around and announced his intent to review the four FISA applications. And Durham/Aldenberg knows that we have strong, very strong, evidence pointing in that direction.

(3) And now today we discover the same special counsel team destroyed their iPhones in an effort to cover their tracks. These three events all happened within an almost identical time-frame. C mon man … this is not coincidental .

To give you an idea how difficult it is to wipe out data on a phone, someone demonstrates how it is done. Clearly Weismann and his asshat cronies are lying!


Let’s see if Johnson is full of shit and just putting in a show or if this is part of a larger strategy to get these traitors under oath prior to the Durham Report being released.

Interesting timing with this story coming out.

Day of reckoning is coming, stay tuned: Graham on Russia probe origins


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Sunday former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe will testify on Oct. 6, adding that “something else … more damning” is coming amid fallout over the controversial Steele dossier.

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OMG! October surprise comes early! Hillary Clinton implicated In the Russian Collusion hoax!

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Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) joins ‘Hannity’ to discuss Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony.

Fk this circus clown! Graham is implicated in the Ukraine scandal so he serves his own interests.

Comey conveniently forgets everything while testifying under oath. What a POS! This is what Sociopaths do and are good at!

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Uh huh, well that is almost an admission of guilt from someone with something to hide.


John Basham, what a great name! Don’t mess with him …