🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

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Rand Paul calls out Lindsey Graham! I am starting to like Rand Paul more and more! He has been right about a lot of issues and is cut from the same cloth of his father!

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I love how Republicans think “Obamagate” is such a big gotcha on Democrats.

They don’t give a fuck. They would openly be like:
Yeah and we’ll do it again! The fuck you gonna do?

It’s crazy how many people unironically believe Washington DC is “investigating” itself.

They have been keeping people distracted for years with this pointless theater.

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Does Rand Paul think we are still in the land of procedures and hearings?

“Dear Traitors, plz come speak to me about ur treason. K? Thx.”


Epic beat down!


Well, of course the media would ignore Obamagate! They stood by Obama in his eight-year tenure. So, they are still sticking by him - regardless.

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That is why it makes for good entertainment! The more they double down the more and more viewers and readers a like tune them out.

Full Transcript and Video: James Comey’s Testimony on Capitol Hill

Nothing like “walking down Memory Lane”. :laughing:

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Let me see if I have this right…

So the FBI, CIA and NSA all teamed up, with Barack Obama & Joe Biden blessing, to wiretap National Security Advisor Michael Flynn conversations, because Obama did not like the man because Flynn was against Obama’s little war crusades and funding ISIS and other shady shit? And then later the prosecutor forced bogus statement from him by threatening his son?

Is that about correct?

What’s the maximum penalty in USA for a forced false statement? Can Flynn sue these bastards?

That pretty much covers it, adding that Flynn knew where the bodies where buried so it was at all costs that Obama had it in for him. Remember Admiral Rogers? He was forced to retire due to blowing the whistle on the entire FISA and Unmasking scandal, so Flynn in essence was retribution.

As far as what the penalty is, that all depends on the crime. There is a litany of crimes that the ones responsible may face being charged with. Malicious prosecution, Falsifying and altering Government documents and records, lying under oath, (perjury) Obstruction of justice, treason, sedition, oh hell throw in RICO charges as well for extra measure.

Yes Flynn can sue every single one but only in civil court. It would be up to the DOJ to convene a Grand Jury for the criminal charges.

Here is a deeper dive into both of these issues. Flynn and Obama’s acts of treason.

This is a pretty big deal and is currently developing as more comes out!

At the conclusion of her press conference, Kayleigh McEnany issued a series of 5 questions she would like reporters to ask the Obama Administration about spying on General Flynn.

“I would like to lay out a series of questions, and perhaps if I write them out in a slide format, maybe we’re visual learners, and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity. So, No. 1: Why did the Obama administration use opposition research funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to surveil members of the Trump campaign? No. 2: Why was Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn unmasked, not by the intel community entirely, but by Obama’s chief of staff, by the former Vice President, Joe Biden, by Susan Rice, by the treasury secretary?”

“I mean, this is extraordinary. And if it were political appointees in the Trump administration, I can guarantee you I’d have questions in my inbox right now, but apparently Obama’s spokesperson does not. Why was Flynn’s identity leaked in a criminal act? It is a criminal act to leak the identity of Michael Flynn to the press, but it happened.”

“It’s a long weekend, you guys have three days to follow up on those questions, and I certainly hope the next time I ask, some hands go up because Obama’s spokesperson should be asked those questions because President Trump’s spokespeople certainly would be.”

Oh shit … it’s the Arms Industry at it again !

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