We Trumpers don’t have BDS ( Biden Dementia Syndrome) because we know he is like the strawman in the Wizard of Oz with his theme song , If I Only Had A Brain.C’m on Man!!!
Many American cities have a storied tradition of machine politics. But in recent decades, party electioneering has evolved into arrangements whereby candidates and parties pay people small amounts of cash in exchange for GOTV efforts like canvassing. … I know people who have disbursed several hundred thousand dollars on Election Day. In some cases, the process is blunter, not to mention illegal: Low-level operatives simply distribute cash in even smaller increments to individual voters
""Democratic operatives acknowledge that ethical questions also can be raised about the party’s common practice of distributing substantial sums of “walking-around money” to local power brokers to encourage them to boost minority turnout.
“It’s done all the time,” said one Democratic activist who has run statewide campaigns in California. “Democrats have to be very careful about what they say - because we are the ones that throw around walking-around money all the time.”
The sums Democrats put on the street in minority communities around elections can be substantial. “In a presidential campaign, how much would Election Day cost in a big city? You’re talking $50,000 to $100,000, in some cases more,” Devine said.""
In the 2008 election cycle the Romney campaign used ‘walking around money’ while the Obama campaign did NOT….
But, ‘walking around money’ does not violate election laws so it really doesn’t matter……
Only way Democrats can win, cheating
Had the heavily ARMED racist black panthers threatening voters as they were entering the voting booths . What was Jessie and fatass Al doing ? Try as you may demoRATS have history in cheating , liying , and screwing taxpayers . So fuck you very much !!!
Philadelphia should be one of the poster children for WAMS.
Yep, by both Republicans and Democrats and it’s legal. So what’s the beef……
I have never been offered money to buy my vote have you?
Nope, this usually happens in urban centers and I live rural.
Sir Monte, its been along time since Philadelphia has had a Republican Mayor because of the Teachers and Construction Trade Unions along with the WAMS.
And exactly which party is in control of most urban centers?
Why shouldn’t you get paid for your vote in the suburbs?
It can if you want it to.
Just ahead of Election Day
The awards, which were announced by school leaders and state lawmakers, with nary a public comment or explanation by Murphy administration officials, come just ahead of Tuesday’s voting.
And that is why most Dem controlled cities resemble 3rd world countries . Chicago, Baltimore and D.C. are shiny examples of Dems expertise.
No matter which party uses WAMS, it’s still a voter bribe to control elections.