We were having issues with WebEx too. I don’t think WebEx was ready to scale so unexpectedly. We stopped using the video feature and went audio only which helped significantly. We have also been piloting Google Meet since last week and the audio/video quality is superior to WebEx although WebEx has better integration with Outlook.
Anyhow - many of us on the technical side of things have been talking about what you were just describing. If meetings were planned and scheduled in advance, it would easily allow for many of us to move very far out and have a “bad” commute maybe once a week or a couple of times a month. I think that’s reasonable.
Re: “Hydroxycholoroquine and zinc treatments.” This is what Dr Zelenko, near New York, has used very successfully. Google him and find out the latest news. Almost all patients can be cured. Dr. Didier Raoult in France pursued the same strategies. They are using well-known malaria drugs, out of patent and very cheap,
It’s basically a treatment for malaria and it works for this coronavirus, because this artificial virus has malaria as well as HIV DNA inserted.
(According to Luc Montagnier)
Sometimes you don’t even know there’s anything to recover from. When I had it I just thought it was a common cold; I didn’t have any breathing problems, but I had a headache, and the only times I’ve ever had headaches previously were on the two occasions they accompanied bouts of influenza, hence I then knew that it wasn’t a cold, and that it was the corona strain of influenza.
As I understand it, if someone has pulmonary congestion the last thing they need is to be put on a ventilator because the injected pressure will traumatise the alveoli.
“It occurs when surfactant builds up in your lungs and clogs your air sacs, or alveoli. Surfactant is a natural substance that lowers surface tension in your lungs and allows you to breathe.”
Maybe that’s why so many medics have been sacked - they refused to carry out the procedure? I’m afraid we haven’t heard the last of this yet - unless the murderers are stopped in their tracks.
I never thought I’d ever see the day when I’d be scared to go into - of all places? a hospital. And it’s even scarier when they keep repeating the mantra ‘Stay home’ - they may as well add ‘and die there’?
The BBC is absolutely obsessed in bigging up ‘the number of deaths from Coronavirus is now blah blah’ as if we’re in some kind of competition with the rest of the world - and they want us to win it.
This appalling excuse for a government knew the coronavirus was on the horizon in November last year, but didn’t get cracking on PPE (personal protection equipment) until March this year by interalia ordering millions of surgical gowns and masks from Turkey. But guess what, they are now ‘ready for collection’ but . . .
“Coronavirus PPE: Gowns ordered from Turkey fail to meet safety standards”. Some 400,000 surgical gowns ordered from Turkey do not meet British safety standards, the UK government has said." DOH! And we paid in advance. So I guess that now even more NHS staff will die because they can’t get their protection.
Can this covid crap get any more fucking surreal than it already is??
Since it fits in the same place saying a nurse blew the whistle…so get a load of this NURSE this was put out YESTERDAY.
Covid-19 Patients Being Purposefully Murdered, Says Whistleblower Nurse
When this TRACE 6666 kicks off, and some government wonk knocks on your door, tests you or one of your family members for covid, announces you/they tested positive whether they did or not, and authorises you or your family member to be handcuffed and forcibly removed from your home in a military vehicle to an institution of death, ie a hospital of all places, never to be heard of again, you’re really going to feel stupid when you remember saying that?
Ventilators have only one purpose, and it’s to prolong the life of someone who is very near to death - or even to hasten death. And I know that from personal experience. When the UK prime minister ordered tens of thousands of them (because of a supposed shortage), straight away I knew something wasn’t right.