NY $7M fentanyl ring released WITHOUT bail

I guess NY is ok with running drug rings and the deaths it causes , Livo Valdez, Jaslin Baldera, Frederick Baldera, Frandi Ledema, Diego Tejada and Parfraimy Antonio are FREE to continue putting death on the streets . dems ………

This is absolutely crazy! Isn’t the whole leftist argument that these people can’t afford bail so they have to let them out? Big time drug dealers can’t afford bail and the best legal defense that evil money can buy. This is disgusting and completely un-American.

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Great. Now these chumps get to go board a private airplane and fly back to Mexico to get new fake identification and come back to this country and continue selling drugs and killing our people.

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NYC needs to become it’s own state.

These shitbags are already sitting with their millions stashed away in some beach in Brazil or other tropical paradise where you can buy a passport laughing their asses off for the rest of their lives.


Get used to it. George Soros has been busy getting radical far left District Attorneys elected. This is what progressive justice reform looks like.


I never would have thought that New York could become a bigger laughing stock but here we are. Criminals that have more money than most American families should not be given any type of special benefit that allows them to walk out the door without spending a dime.

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It’s New York. The voters are voting these people in power and this is what you get.


‘Supporters in court early Wednesday waved their hands in celebration as the six suspects walked out.’

America 2020. Celebrating suspected drug dealers, while bragging about morality and the need to remove an ‘immoral, out-of-control’ President from Office. Garbage.


I imagine a statistician could determine a reasonable forecast of the number of fatal overdoses that could be expected to occur as a result of this operation.


It’s laughable that a judge would agree with the DA on this. Both need to be disbarred. Amazing how the IRS doesn’t go after dealers etc for taxes or attempt to follow the money trail. It must require real work!!!
I’m sure all of them will be waiting for the doors to open on Feb 27!!!

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The nuts are running the asylum.

They’ll blame Trump and guns when their violent crime rates go through the roof.

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They are as good as gone…disappearing into the multicultural soup that is America.

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Nothing the dummycrats do is sane !!!

The CDC reported more than 20,000 people in the US died from synthetic opioids in 2016. This is twice the number from 2015.

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Do you actually think these liberal judges care ? It’s never been about the law with these dummycrats BUT about a political agenda !!!

The lethal dose of fentanyl is generally stated to be 2 milligrams.

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Can you imagine how many milligrams 7 million dollars gets you ?

It’s the den of HELL !