Not World War III

Right. And the powers that be wouldn’t be inclined to go along with the CYA activities of our so-called greatest ally. Sure thing. I don’t know about you but I’m not inclined to blindly lick the boots of our government. Our government has lied way too many times to be trusted and hard questions need to be asked. Do you think the deep state wasn’t active back then protecting their own interests? Why are you so goddamn obstinate about this issue and people raising valid concerns? This is not an open and shut case. Not by a long shot.

So we should dismiss everything from the actual original sources in favor of ■■■ hating conspiracy theories from ■■■ Hating conspiracy peddlers profiting off of idiots that would rather believe Israel is the source of all evil in the world than accept anything factual.

Makes perfect sense.

I didn’t say that. As a matter of fact I would like to see all of it, unredacted - from both sides. Until that time, neither one of us can say what happened for sure.

Ok - I’m not cleaning this mess up. Nice job guys. Seriously. We haven’t had this bad of a derailment in a while.