North Carolina 2-month-Old Stabbed in Head as Parents Fought

They did. But India still pioneered it.

The Greeks created a geometric algebra where terms were represented by sides of geometric objects, usually lines, that had letters associated with them, and with this new form of algebra they were able to find solutions to equations by using a process that they invented, known as “the application of areas”. “The application of areas” is only a part of geometric algebra and it is thoroughly covered in Euclid’s Element. Also Babylonians.

India developed steel; and the earthshaking use of the numeral ( 0 ) zero.

The Golden Age of Islam was squashed by Islamic religious screwballs who felt threatened by enlightenment.

What enlightenment? If it was the Enlightenment Age of Liberties ideals I would question it heavily.

Yes, Greeks were big contributors to math and science.

Many religions had leaders who felt threatened by science, not just Islamic leaders.

Maybe the illegal was conducting an experiment when he fractured the child’s skull. You know arc, trajectory, speed, force of impact, path of knife. Let’s not be too hasty judging him. Most liberals would give him the benefit. Myself, being such a bigot, well, I’d simply have him publicly crucified.

No, we got plenty of homos.

They might be somewhat human but they are anything but civilized.

So, you just admitted that Religious Zealots are the problem which is found in every religion.

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So you admit you hate minorities.

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Not just religious zealots; have you taken the time to watch protesting zealots?

Not really, I just hate people who stab children in the head. Don’t you? Not many children head stabbers out there; so I guess they can be considered minorities.

Yeah, but by you grouping all illegals as head stabbers, thats not alright. Criminals, yes but not violent ones.

When did I say that?

Clearly implied it, or is it just me.

It’s just you. Adjust your meds.

Not many children head stabbers out there; so technically they would be a minority of sorts; so yeah, they would be a minority I dislike.

Fair, I will admit that.