None Dare Call It Treason

There was no chance of peace In 68 the North Vietnamese had already been convinced by liberal Americans they had won the war they were not going to accept anything less than unconditional withdrawal it wasnt until the Easter Offensive defeat along with the bombing of the North by Nixon that North Vietnamese decided to change their negotiation tact.

My sarcasm get the best of me sometimes.

One has to ask the eft says we need to ensure justice is served while ignoring the Obama/Clinton mis steps doing the election. I find it interesting how the left claims foul with the clinton server fiasco, the DNC server hack, the pedestal server hack ignoring the content that was available yet not reported on.

All three of your examples of lies, not treason. None of them ever occurred and all have been completely and thoroughly debunked.

No shit, that’s incredible. Lest we not also forget that the first Gulf of Tonkin Incident was provoked by the US, not a sneak attack on an innocent US ship in international waters as was claimed and the 2nd was completely fabricated. McNamara eventually had to testify under oath and when he did he revealed the truth.

LBJ was the dirtiest president in at least a hundred years if not all time.

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