No One Is Above The Law? Give Me A Break

No One Is Above The Law? Give Me A Break


On exacting poetic political justice.

Lock Donald Trump up, or don’t lock him up, but don’t tell me that “no one is above the law.” It’s one of the most ludicrous fantasies peddled by the left.

Plenty of people are “above the law.” James Clapper, who lied under oath to Congress about spying on the American people, is above the law. John Brennan, who liedabout a domestic spying operation on Senate staffers, is above the law. Unlike Trump advisor Peter Navarro, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder was never going to behandcuffed and thrown in prison for ignoring a congressional subpoena. He is above the law.

Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, is also above the law. The then-Secretary of State set up a private server in her home to circumvent transparency surrounding her slush-fund foundation. She sent 110 emails containing marked classified information, and 36 of those emails contained secret information. Eight of the email chains contained “top secret” information. Every one of those instances was a potential felony punishable with up to ten years in prison.

Just a few above the law.


Will less people vote for Trump because of this shit show?

Or maybe it will backfire and Trump support will grow.

That is hard to say, I would imagine it will backfire but more so to the point we might get a different kind of civil unrest not from the the usual suspects.

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Trump couldn’t play the martyr if his life depended on it , his big mouth and utter rudeness turns voters off . Trump is making millions off this sham and that happens to be what he cares about most of all .

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As proven by the Jan 6th fiasco and prison sentences, rioting will not be tolerated if the right uses the leftist example.

America now has three potential futures and two are bad.

First, the hard-left ideologues have two more years to finish what they started as the founders’ dream descends into our worst nightmare.

Second, the revolution has so warped our legal system, our voting on Election Day, and the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, and the IRS, that even a despised, unpopular Left will “win” elections.

The third is that New York prosecutor Alan Bragg has jumped the shark.

His pathetic prosecution is so incoherent, illiberal, and in spirit anti-American, that two-thirds of the country will soon conclude the center is not holding. The hard-left ideologue reign of terror is unsustainable. And so in 2024 the Left will not be defeated, but so defeated so that it is utterly discredited.

The choice is ours.

I listen to Scott Ritter a lot because of the Ukraine situation and I know nothing about military matters.

He recently said, in fact this week, that another Republican candidate is preferable to Trump, because his presidency will cause a civil war in America.

I’m not so sure about this assessment; 4 more years of Biden shit show will certainly destroy the US and Europe. Most likely he will do something very stupid in east Asia as well, involving China and North Korea.

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I think when a ship is sinking fast and all other options are exhausted, such rules are pretty much thrown out the window in exchange for self preservation.

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The problem transcends Trump.
We have become polarized. We have the interests of the cities and the rest of the country. The cities will not compromise and have no interest in anything outside the cities. The EV rage is a perfect example. They are virtually useless outside the cities. Yet that is the direction the Fed Govt has chosen for the entire country.

Most likely related to the concept of “15-minute city.”

“They” don’t want you to travel far.

Problem is the 2500 miles coast to coast. recharging is a joke.

Cities want the food produced by the interior, the energy produced by the interior and want to tell everyone in the interior they must adhere to their standards. States rights vs Federal control. Some people argue for greater rights for the states and others argued that the federal government needed to have more control. Birth Control is a modern example. The trans movement, demanding the entire country allow boys to compete against girls dumping title 9.