Ninth Democratic Party Primary Debate - Mini Mike Edition

Yeah…MSNBC is so desperate for ratings they want you to only watch on MSNBC.

Well, I finally found something that will work (for now)


My boss is cool and lets me use his DirecTV login (technically it’s the business login).

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Ban offshore oil rigs? FUCKING WHY? These people are insane.

I’m watching on the NBC NEWS channel.

The Dork debate will generate more rebate.

While Arizona with right side broadcasting is huge


These people are insane, ranting lunatics.

I can’t even keep up with one sentence before my brain goes into overload to dispute and then they are onto their next statement of lunacy.


Bloomberg has been relatively silent since he was unmercifully lambasted earlier. Now they’re on climate change and he appears to have nothing to offer.

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Warren: “WE mustn’t allow an…entre…pre…neur Gap!”

Everyone waving their hands like… “Call on MEEEEEEE.” Freaking kindergartners. Warren is raising her hand like the class pet. Uggggh.


That silence after he said he was the only person on stage who had ever started a business.

Big win for Bloomberg.


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It’s funny…Bloomberg is on the wrong stage in terms of his positions.

I’m glad Bloomberg at least called them out and said communism is garbage.

Do you think that will overshadow his big loss in his refusal to release those who’ve accused him from their non-disclosure letters they signed in exchange for being paid to shut up?

Bloomberg just kicked Bernie’s ass on if workers should sit on a board. :joy:

Then comes Warren hand waiver. :roll_eyes:

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It’s a MeToo talking point but if they had real dirt on him it would have stuck. Nothing stuck to Trump with the pussy grabbing tape.

Biden wants to raise corporate tax rates. Nice way to export work overseas again, retard.


Yeah…called him out on all of his houses too.

I think Americans in general don’t like the attack on people who have done well in life.

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Biden wants to increase corporate taxes. Guess who pays corporate taxes.

It’s the consumers of their goods and services. The factor all costs of doing business into their prices.

Biden is an idiot!

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