Nikki Haley for Trump's VP 2020?

Is former South Carolina Governor and US Ambassador to the United Nations, eligible to serve as Vice President in 2020 or as POTUS in 2024 as has been bantered about recently?

Let’s start here;
Both of Nikki Haley’s parents were not U.S. Citizens when Nikki was born. Nikki Haley was born to citizens of India. Both her father and mother emigrated from India to Canada then to the U.S. in 1969.
Nikki was born in Bamberg, SC in 1972. The U.S. immigration laws, at the time required 5 years after entry to the U.S. before application for naturalization.
In fact Nimrata “Nikki” Randhawawas born to two foreign nationals, an anchor-baby. Even if her parents later naturalized, that does not change her status at birth.
The standard in our constitution that the Commander in Chief of the military and POTUS (or VPOTUS) be “natural born citizens”, one born in the United States to citizen parents.
She inherited multiple national allegiances at birth and did not hold “sole allegiance to the United States”.
This requirement negates other candidates who have been President, are running and have expressed intentions to run for President, i.e. Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Santorum, Harris and Gabbard.

I think it would or Trump to change the VP ticket now. Pence has been a reliable VP as far as I can tell, although rumor has it that he did get an envelope at the Bush funeral.

I would agree Pence seems to be popular and in line with POTUS’s agenda.
It was speculated on a talking heads program.

I’ve been wondering if Gabbard is going to switch sides. She’d have to get her mind right on a lot of issues that she is currently siding with the left on but if she were able to do that I think that would be a pretty strong ticket. Of course in reality it won’t ever happen because she voted for Trump’s impeachment.

Every election cycle the natural born citizen argument comes up. It is obviously a constitutional requirement but that doesn’t stop people who aren’t natural born citizens from running. There should be some quality assurance system in place to prevent this from happening.

I like her and the way she addresses issues.

I suspect Trump would never select her as she has her own mind and isn’t afraid to speak it.

She would make a great president.

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Nope. She isn’t eligible to serve and she should never be considered for vice president or president. She’s had a great political career and she could still serve in a variety of other capacities, but she can’t serve in either of those.

I thought Haley did a fine job as ambassador. There may be a reason she resigned that is not yet evident.

I would have hoped SCOTUS would have taken up the BHO eligibility issue when presented. Unfortunately two of the members of SCOTUS had a conflict of interest that should have required they recuse themselves.

And why isn’t she eligible???


I explained in the OP. She is not a natural born citizen per US Constitution and SCOTUS

South Carolina is not a part of the US???

Haley was born Nimrata Randhawa to an Indian American family in Bamberg, South Carolina.

Haley’s parents moved to South Carolina in1969 she was born in January 1972.

If you base it on parents you may be correct however remember the anointed one had a father that was not a citizen yet he was.

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Natural born means that both parents have to be American, correct? I myself am not 100% sure about this but I thought that was the way it goes.

Born in the U.S. (like South Carolina) AND born to citizen parents. As one born of Indian parents Nikki obtained dual citizenship (with is contested by Anchor Baby interpretation.).

I will follow the President’s lead.

If he wants Pence out and Nikki in, I would lament Pence’s being replaced unless he wants out for whatever reason.

I like Mike. But The President thought the Democrats would eventually get over their perceived, “butt-hurt” and would act like loyal American eventually.

Yesterday on his radio show, Rush said this was DJT’s belief. Rush told him the Left would NEVER accept him.

Rush was right.

The choice of Pence as running mate and prospective VEEP was made on assumptions that did not prove to be true.

Great, competent, moral, smart, brave, loyal public servant.

He is not the firebrand that Haley would be.

And that is what the President needs.

That reminds me of how the POTUS brought up short the Congressmen and Senators for not taking the fight to the enemies of America.

I get the impression she would take the fight to the Left. And as a UN Secretary, she knows how to fight, charm and wrangle with snakes. Valuable experience.

I heard some criticize her for taking issue with some of the President’s statements or policies or what have you.

To me, that alone is enough to disqualify her from future consideration.

But, if the President is cool with her, I can be enthusiastic about her on his team.

But if he doesnt want her on the team, I hate her.


So how is it that Barack Obama qualified for running for president and saved for 8 very long years??

Dems focus more on trying to grab power so that their inferior philosophies and thinking and judgment and performance can be imposed on us.

The Democrats:

A bad product but obsessed with winning.

The bottom line is, he was an usurper to the office of president. His hatred for this country and our military was obvious. His was a divided loyalty, anti-colonial rule as was his father Barak Sr. and pro-Muslim-anti-Western from his early Islamic education in Indonesia.




I don’t see why Mike Pence should be replaced. I have yet to hear of him undermining Trump in any way while the opportunist Haley was criticizing Trump during the primaries.

What did Haley achieve anyway at the UN? She, being a Sikh, did nothing to raise the Christian and Yazidi genocides in Syria. It sure looked like she was representing Israel more than the US at the UN.

I don’t think replacing Mike Pence is even being considered, this piece was put out there to stir the pot! IMO, the reason Trump appointed “icky Niki” to the UN was to neutralise her as Governor. Remember she was once a never Trumper and highly doubt that Trump would make a foolish move by replacing Pence who carries the evangelical vote with Haley who is regarded as a globalist shill. It would be a huge mistake on Trumps part to marginalise one group so he can appeal to another which is the women’s vote. It would be helpful to see how Haley stacks up with the women’s vote in general in order to gauge her favourability with the women demographic overall.

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