New Plan Would Push Top Tax Rate to Almost 60 Percent In These 4 States If Congress’s new tax hikes come through, successful residents in high-tax states will be placed in a terrible position

Nice deflection…

Stop posting criticisms of the Biden administration’s policies that you completely ignored during Trump’s….:roll_eyes:

Unless it’s a democrat in power, then it’s all the presidents fault….:roll_eyes:

I guess it would be unless you understand how the budget works.

Oh yeah, everyone knows how the budget works.

But you all bitched about the national debt and deficit spending under Obama and remained silent about it under trump…

It’s the same old hypocritical display of dishonesty over and over again…

You guys don’t give a shit about debt and spending until democrats are in power. Therefore I don’t give a shit about what you think about it today.

He has so much hate for America… he doesn’t realize we don’t have to agree on everything

Lumping everyone together? Yeah, I have a problem with the national debt and spending regardless of who is President.

If I had a choice between spending 2 billion on supporting immigrants or building a wall, I choose building a wall. Why? Because eventually it will pay for itself.

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You must love trump he was cutting government programs.

As we should.

Starting Thursday, most U.S. families began receiving monthly payments from the IRS of up to $300 per child, as stipulated in the coronavirus relief measure pushed by President Joe Biden and passed by Democrats in March. Recipients will include immigrants residing in the country illegally but whose children have Social Security numbers

There couldn’t possibly be any room for fraud here, right?

Imagine hiring someone to work on your home on an hourly basis and they just clock in and not show up but want to be paid.

Individuals would raise holy hell. But a big MEH if the government does it.

And there is the fundamentals on national debt and deficit spending. Neither of which bother you so long as you agree with WHERE the money was spent.

You like what Trumps administration went into debt for, you don’t like what democrats put us into debt for.

Therefore when Republicans are spending like drunken sailors, you’re silent about it. But when democrats do the same, suddenly the handwringing begins…

At least democrats try, and often do raise taxes to help offset the burdens of government spending whereas republicans cut taxes and borrow more. As was just witnessed by the EXPLOSION of the national debt during just four years of Trump from 19.8 to 28 trillion……:rage::rage::rage:

The interesting thing is the debt is the responsiblity of CONGRESS and only CONGRESS, both parties yet some people say Biden, Trump, Obama, Reagan yet never attach the responsibility to the correct organization, CONGRESS!

Everybody but Trump and belligerent right wingers know that Congress passes budgets. Nevertheless we’re always told that the buck stops at the president’s desk and indeed it’s the president that signs them into law….

Who do you suppose said this….

Barack Obama has “doubled our national debt. Doubled it. It’s going to be close to $20 trillion when he leaves.”

Bottom line is that Republicans don’t give a rats ass about deficit spending and national debt until democrats are in power and then the handwringing about deficit spending and national debt ALWAYS begins….

So nobody gives a shit about the criticism…

I actually pay taxes so yes. I am invested on where my money is spent.

I don’t mind investing. It takes money to make money. Keeping immigrants out, not supporting them pays for itself over the long run.

I’m not silent about anything that is frivolous spending.

Both should lower spending. I hated the funding that was spent on women’s rights’ issues in Pakistan. We have issues in this country. 25 million would go a long way if used properly for our own citizens.

10 Presidents With Biggest Debt Increases

Added to Debt (in trillions)

Franklin D. Roosevelt



Woodrow Wilson



Ronald Reagan



George W. Bush



Barack Obama



George H.W. Bush



Gerald Ford



Jimmy Carter



Richard Nixon



Donald Trump



Looks like Barack added the most.

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Right, like I said, you don’t mind deficit spending and debt as long as you like what the moneys used for. Thanks for acknowledging that.

I prefer balanced budgets and no debt and we get that from neither party….

Wrong. That isn’t what I said.

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Ah Trumpitis has turned into hate.

Must be a side effect.

Bravo, you finally have that part right.

Welcome to the Tea Party Monty.

Address the contents of the post, deflection won’t work…

Think the Tea Party would run balanced budgets and at least pay down the debt….:thinking: