As you probably heard by now that the Supreme Court recently ruled against Universities using race as a bases for their entrance requirements better known as “Affirmative Action” causing the left to explode on the issue including Michael and Obozo weigh in on the matter by trying to make a case to supporting affirmative action with gaslighting shallow overtures.
But recently ABC news conducted a poll on the matter revealing overwhelmingly that a majority of Americans support ending 'Affirmative Action" and it wasn’t even close. In other words, Americans may finally go back to a merit based system!
When I see diversity I KNOW it means NOT WHITE ! Affirmative Action is 100% classic DISCRIMANATION. It’s a way to place lazy MF to the front of the line simply because of their color nothing more nothing less . We are see less qualified turds getting put in jobs they are clueless about .
" Discrimination occurs when the civil rights of an individual are denied or interfered with because of the individual’s membership in a particular group or class. Various jurisdictions have enacted statutes to prevent discrimination based on a person’s race, sex, religion, age, previous condition of servitude, physical limitation, national origin, and in some instances sexual orientation."
Its really pathetic but whatever, they lost this one. Its no wonder that the Obama’s would champion “Affirmation Action” can’t have a merit based society that elevates the commoner to do better as opposed picking winners and losers.
Clown World is the best optics that they can project. No serious people, but the ones who are serious are extremely dangerous and committing treason. Off with their heads!