Netflix Releases ‘Gay Jesus’ Christmas Special

Oh-oh, pretty soon somewhere in San Francisco a new Da Vinci will craft a pornographic mural of the Last Supper.

And this: But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

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This is no different than the family guy episdoes that feature Jesus. I appreciate why some would be offended but its not an attack on religion.

As a Catholic I do not feel attacked or persecuted. I am free to practice my religion as I want to.

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It is a direct attack on religion.

Then you aren’t a practicing Catholic.


The crazy liberal agenda strikes again . :nauseated_face:


The page shills are getting more and more obvious, aren’t they?

Yes I am. I do not believe in every doctrine of the Catholic church and have some major issues with rhe church but I consider myself oveeall a good catholic.

Why do I need to feel attacked?

Anyone who feels personally attacked because of a crappy comedy show really need to look long and hard at themselves.

I dont care what someone calls Jesus, it does not impact my faith.

not every.

There are those not in a

I think you are failing to see the broader issue here, which was pointed out in the OP. I seriously don’t think most people would have issue with this as being comedy if it wasn’t such a blatant double standard being practiced by the left and a constant threat on not only to religious freedom but Christianity in general.

How many shows or movies do you see Mohomo being depicted in comedy as a gay or maybe a pedofime for arguments sake? None! Why is that? Hmmm? I wonder what the answer to that question is? The point is everyone is different in what their reaction to this is, but what is universal is the double standard being applied here by the left, and as the author suggested he would back away from such criticism if a similar show showing Mohamed being gay were produced, until then this is another example of leftist in media producing something in order to get attention for the shock and awe effect for their ratings hype. Not only is it pretty lame but hypocritical due to the left preaching about tolerance yet they openly display their hatred for Christianity.

Interesting. You should encourage them to make a Ramadan film about the pedophile “prophet” Mohammad.

Is Jesus this fragile, or is it peoples faith…:thinking:

STFU! If you got nothing to add to the conversation here!

Neither, yet it is quite telling the pleasure you take in ridiculing faith- don’t remember you ever criticizing Islam…

I couldn’t have put it better myself. It isn’t what they are, it’s what they do! In fact I often have trouble believing they do ‘do it’! I mean it’s soooooo bizarre, not to mention revolting side of it.

The topic is Jesus…

No, the topic is about a film made by degenerates & carried by Netflix, that insults the Name of Jesus.

Well to be specific the topic is a Netflix film portraying a gay Jesus. And certainly NOT about Islam…

Here ya go, straight from the desk of a ( snicker ) Islamic holy man. Ayatollah Khomeini’s Book On Sex: For Shias - Islam for … If this piece of perversion came from a Christian or ■■■■ our liberals would be in feeding frenzy. If anything should go viral, this is it. This is what a reverd Islamic holy man condones, supports, and justifies.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the other hand, we have Jesus Christ: But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.