National Security IGNORED: Migrant Invaders Bringing Mumps And Other Diseases Into The US



Texas health officials report that nearly 200 people contracted mumps in migrant detention facilities located across the state so far this fiscal year.

Officials with the Texas Department of State Health Services stated that 186 people in migrant detention centers located in Texas had confirmed cases of mumps. The cases impacted migrant adults and minors as well as detention center workers, the Texas Tribune reported.

There have been “no reported transmission (of mumps) to the community,” State Health Services Spokeswoman Lara Anton told the news outlet. She said the state health agency is not aware of the vaccination status of migrant adults and children who enter the United States. However, “all unaccompanied minors are vaccinated when they are detained.”

Mumps cases reached a high of 191 in 2016, officials stated. This was the highest number in 22 years.

Detention center operators are required to report illnesses that occur among their migrant population and those affecting personnel. Required reporting includes cases of mumps, measles, chicken pox, HIV/AIDS, tetanus, hepatitis, and tuberculosis, officials said.

While migrants are screened for illness or mental health issues upon their initial intake, symptoms of mumps can take up to 25 days to appear. U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement officials previously told Breitbart News that families can only be held for 20 days without a hearing.

“We go in and take the measures that we need to protect against further spread,” City of Laredo, Texas, Health Department Director Hector Gonzalez told the Texas Tribune. He said these measures include isolating patients, providing vaccinations, and urging detainees to remember to wash their hands and cover their mouths when coughing.

“Let’s say [the warden] does everything exactly right. He’s still at risk,” Persse said. This is due to the situation where migrants are transferred in from other facilities where they could have been exposed and their symptoms have not yet manifested.


So they are all vaccinated, well contained…. and they STILL catch diseases they are vaccinated for?

Wait a minute here…… I hear another corporate narrative cracking apart.

It’s bacteriological eugenics in one way, but predominantly to attack and overburden the hospitals (happening all over Europe right now), so that the healthcare staff can be replaced due to sickness, quitting or suicide.

Well I actually view it as treason and engaging in murderous activities. Some may try their best to justify this corruption but when it comes down to it, its sad and pathetic and insane.

I feel no sympathy for these people. The American people were told in 1965 that the demographic balance of the country would not be altered by the Immigration and Naturalization Act. We were lied to and it’s been nothing but a steady stream of pestilence flowing into our country since that law was passed. We need to protect our own. Detain them at the border and cut off the food/water supply. Let nature take its course.


So many mistakes were made from 1920-1970 100% of all laws passed in that time, constitutional amendments, court rulings should be thrown out, scrubbed from history, and we should start back at a known sane time.


As it turns out, the best way to stop the spreading of disease, it to stop the spreading of human garbage. Send this diseased filth back where they came from.

Right! Like the “Single payer option”?

Throw in the asylum laws and there you have it.

We face a flood of economic asylum seekers and the law allows them in as they wait for a court date they will never keep.