As the failed one-term Trump presidency goes out with a whimper…Americans all across our great land are celebrating the fact that Trump has finally SHUT THE HELL UP!
It’s only a matter of time before this orange lunatic fades into the background and his cult vanishes into thin air…we know how much they hate losers
The United States is celebrating a full week of Donald J. Trump not talking, Americans have confirmed.
From coast to coast, Americans are savoring their freedom from Trump’s utterances for the first time since 2015.
“As much as I wanted Trump to lose, I had no idea that losing would make him stop talking,” Carol Foyler, who lives in Pittsburgh, said. “I feel like I’ve won the lottery.”
Where is Joe Biden at? I heard he was going to his mansion on the beach to take a rest after committing the largest voter fraud operation in the history of the US.
Seriously, he hasn’t been seen since Wednesday. Shouldn’t he be going on all the dumbass late-night shows and gloating about his alleged victory? I wonder why he is being so elusive…
I once thought that there was about a 20 percent chance that President Trump’s appeals might succeed, meaning that he would be sworn in, next January, for a second term.
Then, it seemed more like a 10 percent chance.
Now, it seems like a five percent chance–and continually diminishing.
But for supporters of Joe Biden–actually, I should probably rephrase that, since he has so few–for haters of Donald Trump to dance upon his (metaphorical) grave does appear quite unseemly–to say the least.
A sore loser is quite awful. But the one thing that is worse, even, than a sore loser, is a sore winner.
Trump has been the GREATEST PRESIDENT this side of Reagan.The Democraps couldn’t defeat him in a FAIR election , now we have legal ballots that count without a signature ,sinatures that don’t match or can be mailed in anytime. Don’t forget we harvest crops , not ballots.
President wanted a FAIR election.not a FRAUD election.
What libs do not understand is why people like me and all my friends love Trump. He makes us feel like no president ever has. We love him and what he stands for. For the longest time, we as Republicans waited for someone to come along who was our version of Obama (not like Obama but that powerful of a personality). Trump ignites us like Obama did his supporters.
Amazing Demomarxists hypocrisy. Biden as a sitting VP THREATENS Ukrainian President to callof the BLOODHOUND investigating his soon or won’t receive money, is shown on video tape BRAGGING about it and the DEMOMARXISTS say there’s no Quid Pro Quo.
Then it becomes worse when obviously SUB- RETARD voters vote for this IDIOT over Trump.
An obvious sign of MSM Dementia with voters.