NASA says an asteroid twice the size of Big Ben will skim past Earth today

:roll_eyes: He’s just not getting it, is he? :thinking:

“Student astronomer finds 17 new planets, and one is about the size of Earth”

And he didn’t even know they were lost. :grin:

A thousand light years away…

Much closer to home, there supposedly is a planet very similar to Earth on the other side of the sun.

Because it’s behind the sun (which is really huge, much bigger than in most diagrams) we don’t see our twin planet.

NASA knows about it, but isn’t telling us, as usual.

An interesting thought.

I don’t think you’re getting it either.

“Supposedly” NASA doesn’t tell us about it because it doesn’t exist. If it did the numerous probes and satellites we’ve sent throughout the system would have revealed it long ago.

I’ll never forget the words of wisdom spoken by my nanny as she dandled me on her knee. ‘Listen, young Cerby,’ quoth that dear lady, ‘there are none so blind as those who will not see.’

Right. You trust NASA wholeheartedly.
Good for you.

NASA isn’t the only organization that has put those missions out in the system and NASA does not control the dissemination of information from the rest of the space agencies.

because they don’t want to see.

“AN ASTEROID capable of ending human civilisation if it hits will approach our planet in April, NASA’s asteroid trackers have confirmed.”

Well if it has to be annihilation by space rock or annihilation by coronavirus, give me the space rock every time - at least it’ll be over quick?

Since at it’s closest it’s supposed to still be almost 4 million miles from earth you can probably rest easy.

They say ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ so I’ll just post . . . :roll_eyes: I mean, is there nothing NASA can churn out with careless abandon that you won’t believe?

Give me a better source and a reason to doubt NASA based on same.

Do you not realize there are literally thousands of telescopes both public and private not affiliated with NASA in any way who will also verify these objects as they pass by?

Yes, and they’re all cashing in on it because simpletons like you believe every daft thing they announce, and just can’t get into their thick heads that it’s nothing more than clickbait?? Get a grip of reality fgs! How many times must I tell you - it’s all about advertising. Gawd it’s like talking to a five-year old! :thinking: You’re not a five-year old are you by any chance? I mean you’re so naive.

Why do you insist on making up such complete bullshit constantly?

Most of those telescopes are owned by private individuals who aren’t advertising or marketing anything, they are just hobbyists.

Look just leave me alone - you’re depressing me. I often opine that mankind is slowly but surely becoming infantilised and you’re living proof that |I’m right.

You demonstrate it daily.

I’d rather live in the rational world than feed on the conspiracy nut bullshit you graze on constantly.

Got it! Have a good life.

“Epic Ion Engine Will Power NASA’s Test Mission to Redirect an Asteroid”

When you call up the link - as I daresay many will :roll_eyes: - just check out the amount of advertising??

An ion battery can ‘re-direct an asteroid’! As if we didn’t know?

It’s not a battery, read the article and learn something for a change.

The Ion drive is what will takes us efficiently to Mars and the rest of the solar system for at least the next fifty years.