NASA: "Climate Change" and Global Warming caused by Changes in Earth's Solar Orbit and Axial Tilt

Who would have thunk, a giant fireball in the sky has more influence on the temperature than little human do.

On its Earth Observatory web site, NASA published in the year 2000, the information they possessed about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, which was PROVED to be fact by core samples from the earth’s seas. Climate Changes - warming and destructive weather - happen naturally from changes in earth’s solar orbit, and the extent of earth’s axis tilt. NOT from man-induced factors!

The Serbian astrophysicist Milutin Milankovitch is best known for developing one of the most significant theories relating Earth motions and long-term climate change. Born in 1879 in the rural village of Dalj (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, today located in Croatia), Milankovitch attended the Vienna Institute of Technology and graduated in 1904 with a doctorate in technical sciences. After a brief stint as the chief engineer for a construction company, he accepted a faculty position in applied mathematics at the University of Belgrade in 1909—a position he held for the remainder of his life.

Milankovitch dedicated his career to developing a mathematical theory of climate based on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation received by the Earth. Now known as the Milankovitch Theory, it states that as the Earth travels through space around the sun, cyclical variations in three elements of Earth-sun geometry combine to produce variations in the amount of solar energy that reaches Earth:

  1. Variations in the Earth’s orbital eccentricity—the shape of the orbit around the sun.
  2. Changes in obliquity—changes in the angle that Earth’s axis makes with the plane of Earth’s orbit.
  3. Precession—the change in the direction of the Earth’s axis of rotation, i.e., the axis of rotation behaves like the spin axis of a top that is winding down; hence it traces a circle on the celestial sphere over a period of time.

Together, the periods of these orbital motions have become known as Milankovitch cycles.

Orbital Variations
Changes in orbital eccentricity affect the Earth-sun distance. Currently, a difference of only 3 percent (5 million kilometers) exists between closest approach (perihelion), which occurs on or about January 3, and furthest departure (aphelion), which occurs on or about July 4. This difference in distance amounts to about a 6 percent increase in incoming solar radiation (insolation) from July to January. The shape of the Earth’s orbit changes from being elliptical (high eccentricity) to being nearly circular (low eccentricity) in a cycle that takes between 90,000 and 100,000 years. When the orbit is highly elliptical, the amount of insolation received at perihelion would be on the order of 20 to 30 percent greater than at aphelion, resulting in a substantially different climate from what we experience today.

Long article, with pictures and diagrams. Read the rest bellow:

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Specifically, the authors were able to extract the record of temperature change going back 450,000 years and found that major variations in climate were closely associated with changes in the geometry (eccentricity, obliquity, and precession) of Earth’s orbit. Indeed, ice ages had occurred when the Earth was going through different stages of orbital variation.

That alone should debunk the man made global warming theory.

Copied from one of the comments in the thread:

Add to that the fact the the solar minimum will lead to a cooling of the Earth, already seen in the Thermosphere being at record low and the decreased magnetic coupling of the Sun and Earth due to reduced solar output and a decline in the Earth’s magnetic field leading to increased cosmic ray penetration and increased cloudiness and cooling: and the increased earthquake activity and volcanoes spewing eruptions into the stratosphere leads one to a very dismal view of the future of planet Earth for the next period of time. Interesting times ahead.

Interesting times, indeed.