Nancy Snaps When Hearing Trumps name on C-Span

This short clip is pretty much all you need to know how despicable Nancy is. The color commentary is worth it!


I hope Trump pisses her off so bad she swallows her dentures !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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If Trump makes another political ad, he should include the moment, she ripped up his SOTU Speech back in January. And let the world know how corrupted she and the rest of the Dems are. How they really don’t care about the average American - as they always claim they do.

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I couldn’t believe she told him that while getting flustered with the mere mention of his name. :rofl:

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Maybe if Trump makes another ad he can cite his list of “accomplishments” - it will be the shortest ad in political history.

At least its a bit longer than Obama’s after his 8 years.


Still seething about that I see. Glad to know how absolutely salty President Obama makes you.

Seething? I voted for the guy back in '08. Though recent evidences suggest that hes nothing but a scheming criminal. Not even affirmative actions can save Mr. Nobama now.

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Save him from what? Do you honestly think anything is going to happen to him because if you do you haven’t been paying attention to politics for very long.

You should listen to your boy Trump talk about witch hunts, because you’re watching one.

The only difference between these two “witch hunt” (your words, not mine), is the recent one is substantial, and not based on some dossier from an ex-MI6 acquired from a Japanese image board.

And I am still waiting on the pee tape.

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