Nancy sides with China and the WHO


Bill Gates is a eugenicist obsessed with control – like misfit criminal Soros. No other word for it. Now we know who the misfit producers and writer of CONTAGION will say was behind their 2011 Coronavirus film – which reveals Coronavirus societal effects to a “T.

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December the WHO was warned by Taiwan officials that the Wuhan coronavirus was spreading through human-to-human contact. The WHO, an ally first to China — whose communist party is hostile toward Taiwan — said two weeks later there was “no evidence” this was the case.

In the time in-between the warning from Taiwan and the statement from WHO everything was fine, China destroyed samples of the virus, shut down labs, arrested doctors and welded shut buildings where victims of the disease lived.

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The United States is considering measures against those responsible for human rights violations against Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region, a U.S. State Department spokesman said on Thursday, calling it a “great shame for humanity.”

Really? No one seemed too interested in this before the Coronavirus. Even with organ harvesting being what I believe is a credible claim.

China (CCP) won’t care. They just opened up wet markets again.

All of the chest beating is just the riding of a political wave, IMO.

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Persecution of Muslims and organ harvesting…

Blatant crime against humanity, and nobody is talking about it. What a shameless double standard!

Oh, you’re talking about CCP.

Well just look how well CONNECTED China and the Biden’s , Feinstein’s ,Rick Boucher, Joe Lieberman , mini Mike Bloomberg , Daryl Morey, Bill Gates, LeBron James ,Texas A&M University ,Harvard, Yale, Walmart, Nike, GM ,Microsoft, Boeing, Coca-Cola/Sprite ,Procter & Gamble, Intel ,Starbucks, Apple, and the list is far too long for anyone to want to care about China’s evil empire .

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Or even after ……. 23,000,000 unemployed and
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Facebook is adopting a new policy that may significantly limit discourse on the Chinese virus online. Zuckerberg is wheeling all the power of Facebook in defense of the most evil empire .

The World Health Organization’s infamous tweet repeating China’s bogus assurances to the global community about human-to-human spread. Beijing knew this was false , yet their lapdogs at W.H.O. were spoon-fed false information that harmed and delayed the world’s collective response to the outbreak. Yet the dummtcrats continue to defend and spin the story .


Facebook will promote WHO?

Erp. Okay. That is synonymous with bugs bunny promoting the road runner.

Glad I’ve never been a part of Facebook.

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Me too . Can’t stand fuckerberg .

When all is said and done the tab will approach 75 TRILLION .

You are on to something and probably explains the recent infiltration of obnoxious shills here!


Moving past the hysterical wimpiness of asserting that objecting to cutting WHO funding is siding with China, I prefer to point out this dishonest snivel is coming from someone who fluffs Putin’s bitch.

The two gay guys are pathetic Tavy sticks up for her boyfriend vanilla iceberg because he is too busy sticking it to Tavy many wide orifices . Their inability to follow a conversation is laughable and wretched ,simply pitiful .

Back to the OP China is funding this, it’s not us we told you the whole truth and nothing but the truth BS . Just look at the number of liberals protecting the W.H.O. then look at their financial motive and then the real story begins .

Everytime Biden opens his mouth he negates the millions spent on anti-Trump ads.




You should go check out this thread! You missed out on all the fun earlier. Riki Tutu was talking smack to Tyfoon and he wasn’t having none of it! :rofl:

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Those gay fucks, Ricky ticky Tavy and vanilla iceberg keep embarrassing themselves with that toddler behavior .
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